Ben Neal

Articles by
Ben Neal
8 Ways A Breakup Can Change You For The Better
As the past recedes, so does the pain. We continue to embrace each moment, to make the most of each new day, and sooner or later love comes round again.
This Is What It Really Means When Your Man Looks At Another Woman (From A Man’s Perspective)
It’s probably happened to every woman, at some point. Because, let’s face it, men like to look. To be clear, that’s all men; not just your man, not just single men, not just players and cheaters and womanizers, but all men.
8 Things You Need To Know About A Sensitive Man Before Dating One
A sensitive man puts a great deal of thought into pretty much everything. When he opens up and talks to you, the chances are that each and every word has been agonized over, and carefully chosen to convey precisely what it is he wants to say.
12 Womanly Traits That Men Find Totally Irresistible
Have you ever wondered what it is that men want in a woman?