Ben Branstetter

Would You Take Botox To Cure Depression?

Eric Finzi, a dermatologist with a new book studying the physiology of facial expressions, has been doing the media rounds actively advocating for the use of Botox to make people smile in order to fight depression.

An Ode To Douglas Adams

Each year I reread The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy and find new jokes, new revelations, and a refreshed understanding of Life, The Universe, and Everything.

5 Life Lessons From Mike Tyson

If art and politics require modesty, physical accomplishment requires the knowledge you will do anything to achieve your goal.

The Most Absurd Thing You'll Read Today

Deputies arrived on the scene and tried to detain Bruni, who started flailing around on the ground and speaking but not making sense. Deputies said Bruni sucked up the water that had spilled from the vacuum and spit it out.

7 Forgotten Atari Games

Now that children born when the N64 came out are getting their driver’s licenses, it may come as no shock that Atari, the venerable creator of Pong and the Atari 2600, has filed for bankruptcy.