Becky Curl

Like if a unicorn were a person going through an emo phase.

A Few Thoughts On Waiting

You can’t just spend your entire life waiting for the story to continue. You’ve got to keep writing it yourself.

Your Body Is Not A Prison

I am not the fat on my stomach. Or the stretch marks on my thighs. I am not my crooked teeth or less than spectacular curves. I am a soul waiting to take flight, to break through the barriers of who we are told we are supposed to be.

When You Start To Feel Like It’s All Over Because You’re Turning 25

But every day, I still get up, and I still try to keep pushing towards this elusive “dream,” even though I don’t even know what it is I am looking for. Before you spend so much time beating yourself up over everything you have not done, take the time to reflect on everything that you have done.

Allow The Struggle To Help Build You And Guide You

Sometimes situations occur in our lives that we have no control over—no amount of good deeds or small, daily successes can make you immune to life’s challenges. All we can do is face these trials and confidently move forward in the direction we feel is best-suited to our overall well-being.