Becca Martin

Insta with me

You Owe Her The Love She Deserves

Don’t be selfish with her, because she deserves so much more than that. Being with someone you don’t love is cruel, especially when you know she loves you. It’s holding her back from being free and finding real love.

Love Should Not Be A Limited Feeling

Don’t be so quick to judge, and if you have a hard time opening up, start with something small. Start by telling your friends what you love about them or what you love in general. Find joy in the little things.

I Don’t Need You To Tell Me I’m Pretty

I don’t need people to validate my looks; I know what I look like. There are plenty of things I could put into making myself “prettier,” but there is so much more to life than being “pretty.”

What I Mean When I Say I Want To Travel

I want to be in constant awe of the earth and everything it has to offer. I want to see things I could never have possibly imagined and try things I’ve only dreamed of. I want my curiosity to grow greater and stronger than it already is.