Becca Martin

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10 Signs You’re Single AF (And Loving It)

If you get invited somewhere you’re always the first person to say yes. You don’t have to check-in with anyone or sort out your plans, if you’re free you go because adventure awaits.

You Might Not Be Enough For Him, But You’re Enough For Someone Else

The guy you have to basically throw yourself at isn’t the kind of guy you want to be with. You don’t want to have to fight for his attention; you don’t want to have to make a fool of yourself for someone to notice you because while you’re noticing him he might be noticing someone else.

14 Men Confess Their Biggest Insecurities In Bed

“I’m insecure about cumming too soon, I think that is every guys worry. No one wants to cum in 30 seconds, it’s embarrassing and it’s a huge turn off for her. So basically, like everyone dude, we just try to think of things that are non-arousing to last.”

When You Can’t Help Missing Him (But You Hate Yourself For It)

When he was around the sun burned brighter and the world turned faster, he became the center of your tiny world and made it feel so much bigger. He didn’t have to do much, but the feelings he gave you were immense and as hard you tried, you couldn’t push them away.

When You’re The One Who Cares Too Much

The way you care so deeply about everything is such a blessing, even if it does feel like a curse from time to time. It allows you to feel everything more and experience moments that others miss out on by covering their emotions.

Your Expectations Are Ruining Your Chances At True Love

You can fall for someone way out of your league. You can fall for someone taller than you wanted or maybe shorter than you. You can fall for someone with blue eyes when all you wanted someone with brown. Life doesn’t care about your expectations.

I Only Want Forever Relationships

I don’t want mediocre relationships that will fizzle and fade. I want realistic relationships that will last forever, not even only pertaining to love, but with friendships and relationships in general.

Today I’m Finally Letting You Go

It’s not that I want to forget about you, because I don’t, not completely anyways. You became a huge part of my life, but that’s the thing. You were just a part of it.

12 People On The Weirdest Porn Watching Experience They’ve Ever Had

“I used to jack off while I was on long drives, it would keep me awake and I would play the porn through my car speakers. It was kind of fucked up, but whatever. Except the last time I did it I got pulled over because a cop saw what I was doing. I got a ticket and he was repulsed.”

Don’t Date The Guy Who Refuses To Talk About What You Are

Some days he seems really into it and everything seems perfect. You’re convinced he likes you and you spent the best day together. Then he gets flaky again, you wonder where you went wrong, you question if he likes you, and you drive yourself crazy trying to dissect every little thing.

Maybe In Another Life Our Hearts Would Intertwine

Maybe in another life I wouldn’t be so unsure of everything. Maybe I wouldn’t spend so much time over thinking and wondering what my life could be like if I traveled here or moved there. Maybe if I knew what I wanted I could settle down, but I don’t, not in this life anyways.