Becca Martin
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All It Took Was Silence For You To Break Me Down
I got your message loud and clear in the silence you let grow between us because sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.
Life Is About Cherishing The Littlest Moments
Life is about sunrises
and sunsets.
New beginnings
and long over due endings.
15 People Spill Their Most Mortifying Sex Stories
“I was blowing my boyfriend and I really don’t know how this happened, but when he came his semen came straight out of my nose.”
Sometimes I Feel Like A Ghost That Everyone Can See
There comes a time where you feel alone, so alone, that it doesn’t even matter how many people you have around you because the emptiness is seeping out from within.
Missing Someone Doesn’t Mean They Belong In Your Life
It would be like getting stabbed in the heart, then walking right back into the knife because I couldn’t stay away.
Ladies, Don’t Ever Trade Respect For Attention
I learned that in order to demand respect from others you need to respect yourself first because if you don’t respect yourself you’ll allow others to walk all over you.
This Is What It’s Like To Love A Girl Who Doesn’t Know Who She Is Quite Yet
She will wonder what drew you in. She doesn’t wonder in a bad way, but in a curious kind of way because she is still learning herself.
Sleeping With Him Won’t Make Him Like You (At Least Not For Long)
He has nothing more to imagine or curiosity lingering around in his mind about you. He got what he wanted because you hoped it would make him stay.
Your Problems Are Still Relevant, No Matter How Small They May Seem
You can’t tell someone they can’t be sad because someone has it worse. You can’t tell them their pain doesn’t matter.
Please Just Do Your Best With What You Have
Living your best life is giving what you can right now – nothing more or nothing less. That’s all that matters.
Date Someone Who Loves Your Belly
Date someone who thinks your rolls are cute when you sit down and loves the way your belly moves when you start laughing uncontrollably.
This Is The Love I Want To Give Someone
I’ll always let you share my food with me and tell you “I love you” even when you already know. I’ll always ask you about your day and listen your response. I promise to always laugh at your jokes, even the ones that really aren’t funny.
Why It’s Better To Crush Than To Actually Fall In Love
Having crushes in your twenties is so easy and blissful, they’re not serious and that’s such a great feeling.
You Don’t Need To Sweep Her Off Her Feet, You Just Need To Ask Her Out
Hiding behind a phone screen or computer screen all day sending witty messages back and forth just isn’t good enough for me and it honestly shouldn’t be enough for anyone.
Ladies, There’s A Difference Between Guys Liking You And Valuing You
To be valued means that you are appreciated for your role in his life. It means that he respects you and how you feel.
I Know I Can’t Have You, But I Still Crave Your Touch
You sucked me in and now you have me hooked. I’m yours for the taking, but you won’t have me.
You Deserve To Be The Most Important Person To Someone, No Matter What
You deserve someone to pull the car up to the curb when it’s pouring rain, even if that means they get soaked. You deserve someone who actually, truly and completely gives a shit about you.
No Matter What You Do In Life, Do It For You
People that truly love you will support you, even when you fuck up and everything goes wrong. Those are the people who are important. Find what you were created to do, no matter how many fuck ups and failures it takes.