Becca Martin
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It’s Just A Bad Day, Not A Bad Life
The lows are here to remind us how lucky we are when the highs roll around, they teach us how to be appreciative.
On Learning To Be Okay With The People You Love Settling In Love
It’s time to accept that some people will settle. That some people are happy with ‘good enough’. That some people would rather settle for shitty love than be alone because being alone scares them more than a mediocre love.
I’m Not The Girl For You Anymore
I would break myself over and over again wondering why I wasn’t good enough, why you didn’t want to stay once the sun came up, why you didn’t want to commit. But I realized it was my own fault.
20 Pieces Of Love Advice I’ve Learned In My 20s
Don’t allow someone to start treating you poorly just because you’ve been together a “long time.” The little things and compliments should never stop.
Don’t Jump Back Into Your Toxic Relationship Just Because He Came Back
It’s easy to believe someone is different because it’s what you want to believe. You want to believe the person you love and you want to believe things are going to be better this time around.
Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Convenient For Someone Who Doesn’t Prioritize You
You are not too much or too little, you do not love too hard or feel too much, you do not need to change a single thing about yourself to make someone more attracted to you because you are perfectly enough the way you are.
10 Signs You’re The Reason For Your Unhappy Life
You’re choosing to stay stuck instead of moving forward with your life. Everything in life is a choice. You make thousands of decisions every day. You have the option to stay stuck in the shitty situation you’re in or you have the ability to move on and move forward. That’s all on you.
11 Things Only People Who Are Obsessed With Dogs Will Understand
You die a little inside every time you see your dog do something cute.
10 Common Sense Dating Rules We Could All Use A Reminder About
Don’t change who you are to impress someone. It’s not worth it. You aren’t going to be for everyone and that is okay, just like everyone isn’t for you. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. Be who you are and the right person will like you just for that.
I Wish I Could Stop Pushing You Away But I’m So Used To People Leaving
I push you away because I can’t see how someone like you could love someone like me. I don’t believe it. I see my flaws like a neon sign in the dead of the night.
I Don’t Care About ‘Adulting’ And You Shouldn’t Either
I want to do all the things that fill my soul with passion, all the things that society looks down upon because it’s not “together” or “professional.” I want to do those things because those are the things that make me feel like life is worth living, so I’m not going to stop.
Don’t Ever Feel Bad About Missing Someone Who Broke You
And there’s nothing wrong with going back in a moment of weakness only to light yourself on fire again because you can’t stand the thought of living without them.
10 Uncomfortable Stages You Go Through When You Move To A New City Alone
You start to question everything. You start to wonder if you made the right decision, you start to wonder if you rushed into things or if you should have left in the first place.
22 Things Girls Who Grew Up Playing Sports Know To Be True
You wish more than anything there was a way to get that time back and relive the moments that made you feel alive.
Love Yourself So You Don’t Have To Rely On Someone Else To Do It For You
Love yourself enough to demand the respect you deserve from everyone else around you because you are worth it.
Be Alone Until You Find Someone Who Actually Gives A Shit About You
Be alone until you find someone who talks about you and who talks you up to their friends, or family, or coworkers, or the homeless dude on the street corner – literally anyone. Be alone until you find someone who is proud as hell to show you off.
One Day You’ll Meet A Girl Who Will Change Your World
This girl will give you every piece of her soul, even the parts she hides away from the world. She will share her art with you that she creates in her most vulnerable form. She will fight for you with passion that is deep and unforgettable. She will create a whole new world with you that you’ll never be able to replicate without her.
The Risk You Need To Take This Summer, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd
Take a risk this summer by doing something you’ve always wanted to do. Ahem, SKYDIVING! Sign up and show up because it’s about to be an adrenaline overload.