Please Just Do Your Best With What You Have

Living your best life is giving what you can right now – nothing more or nothing less. That's all that matters.



Don’t spend your life wishing you had someone else’s. Don’t wish for a life like you see on TV. Don’t fantasize over homes you see in magazines. Don’t be convinced you’d be happier if you had more money. Don’t always spend your life wondering what could have been or what life could be like, just please do the best with what you have.

There will always be someone with more money, more power, bigger houses and better cars. There will always be someone who has more than you, but there will always be people who have less. You can’t live your life by constantly comparing your life to others; it won’t do you any good and will just leave you feeling disappointed in all you could have.

Instead of wondering, start living. Make the most of everything you have. Cherish your friendships, love your family, take pride in all you’ve accomplished.

What you plant now, will bloom later.

Pay attention to your life, stay humble and kind, and keep working hard for everything. Start working towards your best life. Start working towards what you love because once you start working hard for what you love, the rest will fall into place.

Living your best life is giving what you can right now – nothing more or nothing less. That’s all that matters.

I think the most important thing to remember is that you are only capable of what you can do. You can learn some things, but you can’t learn everything, so it is important to do what you can with what you have.

If you really want something you’ve never had you’ll have to put the extra time and work in to making it a reality. But all your problems really are is a chance for you to do better, they are a chance for you to succeed and believe in yourself that you can do it. If you have faith in yourself that you can move mountains, move them, and even if you fail while trying, you’ll surely still get a good work out in attempting.

Sometimes the top of the mountain isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Sometimes the hike up to the top is more worth it, the struggles and back tracking makes the journey more worthwhile and teaches you the best lessons.

You don’t have to jump through hops and win gold metals, I’m not asking you to become the person who finds a cure for cancer (but if you are that person, bless you and please share your knowledge) and I’m not asking you to be someone you’re not. All I’m asking is that you do the best with what you’ve got and you follow your passion in the right direction.

Just like Albert Einstein said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Please, do the best you can with what you’ve got because I guarantee you’re capable of a hell of a lot more than you think, you just need to believe. Thought Catalog Logo Mark