Beau Taplin

My name is Beau Christopher Taplin and I am the author of Buried Light.
Articles by
Beau Taplin
Embrace Your Sadness And Give Your Healing Room To Work
When you make the choice not to fight the currents of your feelings you allow them to take you where they need to and moving forward becomes a gentler process. Remember always to move at your own pace.
Be Brave Enough To Let Yourself Fall Out Of Love
Before long, the passion wanes, the days and nights stretch on longer, and long silences take the place of laughter.
Don’t Let Growing Up Change Who You Are
You are never too old to remain young at heart.
You Were A Song I Knew The Words To Immediately, And Wanted To Play On Repeat
In the sound of your laughter, I could hear a musicians’s hands skillfully caress the silver strings of a harp. And concealed deep beneath your cautious guard lay the slow croon of a saxophone alone on the smoky stage of a dimly lit bar.
Together, We Shine With A Light That Ignites The Whole World
Like sundown, the closer we came to the end, the more precious and breathtaking our bond seemed to become.
It All Started With A Glance
It could only have lasted a handful of moments, but as I searched your watchful gaze, something with the shape of recognition surged between us, and by the time it was over, we both agreed, we would know each other very well.
Always Remember, You Are A Masterpiece In Progress
Live like this—with a full, hungry heart, and a curiousness that cannot be extinguished.
Trusting Someone Is Difficult (But Not Impossible) When You’ve Been Cheated On
Faith is a tricky thing. We can never really know with absolute certainty whether we have placed it in the right or wrong hands until it’s too late.
Anxiety Is A Mountain You Can Climb, No Matter How Daunting It May Seem
The fact of it is, for sufferers of anxiety, there will always be more mountains to climb – a seemingly infinite number that can often span the length of a life – but trust in this: you will climb them over and over because you have to.
The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be A Devastatingly Beautiful Slow Dance With Love
When a relationship works, it is effortless and fluid—a meticulously choreographed pirouette between two partnered souls in perfect balance. But like all intricately difficult things, perfection calls for study and practice.
Love Is Not Meant To Be A Temporary Home
A person’s love is not a raincoat you slip on only when it storms. It is more than some motor inn with the vacancy light switched on.
With You, The Ordinary Becomes Pure Magic
I am here because, with you, even the mundane is magic, because, with you, the true story far surpasses the fiction.
I Don’t Need To Be Your Whole World, But I Want To Be Part Of It
I will never ask you to sacrifice a thing in exchange for my heart.
You Have To Embrace Who You Are, Dark Parts And All
I see now that our flaws and damages should not be ignored or desensitized but harnessed and embraced — that all of our quirks and qualities have a part to play in the greater scheme of our lives and should never be silenced or drowned out.
You Have To Let Them Go To Be Whole Again
What I have begun to recognise in myself and others is that, more often than not, the fear of letting go isn’t really that at all, but a fear of trying again — it’s not really about the person you have left, but all of the uncertainty and possible disappointment that now lies on the road ahead of you.
How Saying ‘Yes’ To Every Little Thing Healed Me
Life is precious and incredibly fragile and must always be lived to the fullest.
Your Potential Is Infinite If You’re Willing To Persevere
It is no accident that a great many success stories begin with adversity. You’ll find you are capable of tremendous things when you are backed into a corner, when you are stripped of all hope and left with no other choice but to push on despite the odds stacked against you.
How To Not Just Survive But Thrive In Your Mid To Late 20s
There has arguably never been a more remarkable and unusual time to be young, here, and alive.