Barbara Todisco
I’m studying Neuroscience and I am deeply passionate about theatre. I long the sense of quest, our inner search of meaning.
Articles by
Barbara Todisco
Your Love Should Save Me, Not Destroy Me
I can’t breathe, because I don’t know how to live without you. You have become my air, my cure.
Love Should Heal Me, Not Wound Me
That confession was probably the first time I ever trusted you with whole my heart.
I Love You Enough To Let You Go
It breaks my heart to try to force you to find in me what I have found in you.
Nothing Terrifies Me More Than Forgetting I Love You
I am afraid to forget our love. I am afraid to forget the pace of our love, your hands that slowly would caress my hair and the quick glances that we used to exchange only after a few hours after not seeing each other.