5 Educational Tools You Can Invest In To Live A Better Life


In a previous article I mentioned different areas you can invest in to live a better life. Today I am going to focus on an area that I believe is not only vital, but also absolutely necessary to invest in if you want to live a more successful and fulfilling life. I believe that a continual learning process is the key to getting what you want out of life, and when I suggest investing in your own education, I literally mean invest; spend money on furthering your education. Here are some areas to invest in for your future:

1. Books

The book is the pound for pound champion of learning devices. Books are above and beyond the most cost efficient method of learning. As in investor, one must weigh the cost of investment against the return it will provide. I have read little to no books that weren’t worth the money I have spent on them. Keep in mind however, that not every book is created equal. I believe that you should go straight to the top for your information. Read books by individuals who are at the top of their fields and are considered to have expert level knowledge. Read the reviews by other authors before you decide to purchase. I prefer to read non-fiction books that provide practical and useful information on areas such as health, finance, and personal development. Readers are leaders. I’d go out on a limb to say that the majority of successful people, especially wealthy people, read books. There is a definite correlation between reading (the right books) and success.

2. Online courses  

I have recently signed up to become a member of Lynda.com and I am so glad that sites like this exist. For only a few extra dollars a month, you can access to thousands of courses ranging from business and marketing techniques, to tutorials on learning to use various types of software. The more skills one adds to their tool belt the better. Use online courses to supplement your education and provide you with skills that can be useful for your career and for your life.

3. Seminars

Seminars typically range from one day to a week. They are used as a crash course for learning about certain areas of business and life. Many professionals use seminars related to their fields to sharpen their knowledge and give them an additional edge over their competitors. They are also useful for beginners who are new to a field and are looking for information to help guide them on their ventures. There are lots of seminars available and it is important to so some research to figure out which ones will give you the most bang for your buck.

4. Conferences  

Conferences are a great way to not only learn but to make connections and network with other successful people. They are usually gatherings of top professionals who gather together to share ideas. Conferences usually consist of various speakers (i.e. ted talks) who share their knowledge with the group. You can utilize the power of conferences like these by watching recordings of the speakers, but actually attending these conferences can provide an added benefit. Being around other successful, like-minded people, breeds a collaborative, energized, and creative environment. You may meet a future business partner, potential investor in your idea, maybe even a significant other. These professional prep rallies are a great way to fortify your motivation to achieve.

5. Personal coaching

There are personal trainers who help you build a physique, but there are also personal trainers for different areas in your life. The Gallup Research Company provides coaching to help you develop your strengths and translate them into professional success. There are various outlets that provide one on one coaching and mentorship in fields such as real estate and investing for example. These are usually going to be pricier but the results can bring a greater return in the future.

Adopt the investor mentality. Spend your time, energy, and most importantly your resources in developing yourself and your skills. Continue to sew the seeds of development and you can potentially reap massive rewards later on. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Ayodeji Awosika

Author at ayotheauthor.com | Writing coach at www.ayothewriter.com

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