Ashley Arminio
Articles by
Ashley Arminio
5 Things You Should Do When You Feel Like You’re Behind In Life
I get down because I feel stuck. I get down because I feel misunderstood. I get down because I simply have no idea what I’m doing.
10 Signs You Are In An Abusive Relationship And Need To Get Out NOW
Texting girls and not wanting your girlfriend to know about it is cheating. Cheating means doing something you wouldn’t want your significant other to know.
I Am Not Selfish (Or Spoiled) For Traveling The World
Traveling isn’t about the Instagram photos. It’s not about bragging the number of countries you’ve stepped foot in, it’s not about the expensive hotels and food. It is absolutely not selfish.
This Is Why I Quit My Dream Job To Work At A Supermarket
You’re not “just” working, you’re being proactive and doing what you need to do for the universe to find the next adventure for you.