Ashlee Valentin
I’m Happier Single Than I Have Ever Been In A One-Sided Relationship
I had forgotten what breathing fresh air felt like. I had forgotten what it was like to prioritize my own happiness.
The Unedited Truth About The Darkest Parts Of Being In Love
Loving someone is giving bits and pieces of your heart to someone who may not appreciate the gesture or care enough to replace those pieces with pieces of their own.
I Never Enjoyed Being Lost Until I Found You
I was lost in you, and that made me more sure of who I was and what I wanted.
Losing You Helped Me Figure Out Who I Want To Be
I was a person who lived to please the one she loved and fuck being that girl because she will never be happy.
I Love You Even If You No Longer Love Me
I want you forever and I have always. I thought the feelings were mutual.
When I’m With You, Everything Finally Feels Quiet
You found me stuck in my own head. You introduced me to genuine love and incredible happiness and I could never thank you enough for that.
I Stopped Blaming Myself For Letting You In
Instead of blaming myself for giving you a piece of me, I remind myself that you took it.
You Were Toxic And I’m Mad It Took Me So Long To Realize You Were Never Worth It
You were selfish and I realize now that you were never good enough for all the love I gave you.
What It Feels Like Moving On From You
I tried washing my bed sheets to get rid of the smell of your cologne, but the feeling of your arms wrapping around me while I sleep hasn’t left.
This Is Me Admitting I (Kind Of) Love You
I’m sure I will cry and laugh and scream in the process, but I know loving you will be worth it.
I Am Just Trying To Remember Why I’m Trying
You made it seem as though you needed me just as much as I needed you and I wish I knew where those thoughts and feelings went.
Maybe I Didn’t Deserve You
You need someone who will hold your heart with caution the way I never did.
5 Reasons It’s So Hard To Forgive Someone Who Cheated
Losing someone’s trust can take as little as half a second, but gaining it back takes time.
Thank You For Loving Me
You were undoubtedly the best thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing because that’s what you are. An experience.
6 Things To Remember When You’re Facing Unrequited Love
Loving someone who doesn’t feel the same about you is an endless cycle of pure torment.
What It’s Like Loving Someone Who Has No Idea
My heart and mind can’t come to an agreement.
I Wish You Hadn’t Meant The World To Me
I wish I wouldn’t have given everything I had into loving you because, maybe now, I wouldn’t feel so empty.
What It Feels Like To Miss You
There’s nothing but the unknown beneath you and it’s terrifying.