Arvin Faustino

Articles by
Arvin Faustino

You Don’t Have To Be In A Rush To Figure Everything Out In Your Life

What I found the most beautiful and inspiring perhaps is that amidst all these uncertainties, there are new chances willing to be given, new risks willing to be taken, and new opportunities waiting to be seized. And while we are most definitely responsible for the outcome of our lives, it appears that the universe has a part to play in it as well.

This Is The Kind Of Guy You Should Look For

Look for the guy whose jaws drop every time he sees you tying your hair in a mirror. A guy who thanks God every single day that he’s blessed to witness a living miracle unfold right before his very eyes.

2017 — Bring It On

Are you willing to put in the work to make this year go down in the history books as one of your best?