Arihat East

Wild Woman. Carefree Black Girl. Joyfully Audacious.

Articles by
Arihat East

The Struggle Of Being A Fatherless Girl

I guard myself with sky-high walls, and it’s not because I don’t have massive amounts of love to share, but I just don’t know if my love, my being, my essence could be loved with the same intensity.

I’m Done Being Complicit In My Own Suffering

Each time I skip over an opportunity to be vulnerable, I move further away from allowing people to learn my language. When I shy away from being honest about my hurt feelings because somewhere in my past taught me that sharing didn’t actually matter, I then invalidate my own voice.

Your Light Will Attract Everyone, Not Just Assholes

When you streamline your commitment to loving yourself so much that no one can shake your peace, I promise you’ll be able to discern who is in your life to love you for you and who is in your life to take from you.

How Much Grief Is Too Much?

How much grieving am I going to do as an adult regarding things that happened as a teenager? The grief is not empowering nor productive for me.