
Is Joaquin Still Here?

Throughout the film, Phoenix treats his loyal entourage like dirt, and on the whole, acts like a narcissistic, drug addicted pig. Maybe he was trying to satirize celebrity and what it has become.

Thoughts on DIT Fest in Kent, Ohio

I was nervous all week about DIT Fest. The whole thing seemed out of control. Tao Lin, Sam Pink, Jordan Castro, Richard Wehrenberg and like two hundred bands…

Beatniks and the Roots of Hipsters

I think some writers could mention the hipster’s obsession with clothes or music, but every American subculture has an obsession with defining themselves with clothes and music. That is just being American.

“Undercover” — Conversations over Stolen Food, Pt. 2 of 4

If we eat things before we exit can no one call…catch us? There’s habeas corpus but there’s something else. Body of evidence? Doesn’t physical evidence need to exist of the event? So long as we consume all evidence perhaps nothing can be done to us.

Meghan McCain: Dirty Sexy Politics

The political children who’ve sought the spotlight are few in number; most tend to seem shy and retiring once the camera lights fade. Certainly, Jenna Bush, who’s published a children’s book and appears on TV periodically, has refused to allow the world the access to her emotions that McCain, three years younger, freely grants.

Recollections of a Pick Up Artist

I once achieved intercourse after, midway through a make-out session, seizing a mandolin and jiving about the room, whilst hooting like an ape. When the girl’s expression transitioned from confusion to anger, I allowed a stream of saliva to drip from my contorted face, and, winking, shouted: “Now you’ve made out with the evil mandolin monkey man!”

Best Coast: Crazy For You

Thus, the Best Coast story updates another age-old 60s concept outside of their music: pop-star mythmaking. Cosentino has crafted an unstoppably distinct web persona—bubbling with character, her online presence is why so many feel they can relate to her. She talks about everything from the Jersey Shore and Miley Cyrus to the Descendents and smoking tons of weed.