She Came And Went Like A Comet In The Night Sky

Alex Bertha

When you’ve done everything right.

Everything you are supposed to.

When you’ve said everything.

Those words you always wanted to say but never found anyone worthy.

Feeling everything inside light up in ways you’ve forgotten.

When honesty and chivalry come naturally.

When loyalty and being what someone needs becomes what you need.

When listening taught you to hear something more than your own voice.

When admiration meets infatuation and you think she could be the one.

Caught staring at her and she asked what you were looking at.

Afraid to say happy.

But that’s what she made you.

Looking into her eyes and seeing a future.

You just didn’t know it was a future she was uncertain of.

Because everything seemed perfect.

And you hate that word.

From moments in each other’s arms.

To a kiss on the cheek just because.

Wanting to hear about everything going on in her life.

Caring about someone more than the person looking back at you in the mirror.


There’s that word again just lingering.

Lingering like the words you struggle to say.

I love you.

I need you.

I want you today and every day.

But perfect was the only word that did her justice.

Then she was gone.

Like a comet in the night sky taking with it every bit of light within you.

And alone you stood in the darkness wondering how something so beautiful could come and go so easily without so much as a word. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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