Let 2019 Be A New Chapter For Us

person reading Bible on top of brown wooden table
Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

A year has passed and become a chapter of our past. A new year has come like an empty canvas; it is up to us how we are going to make this chapter one of the best chapters in our lives. A year has passed and I have learned so much, so this is me saying thank you for such a wonderful time.

I have caused people pain and for that I am sorry. I hope that by this time you already forgave me for everything I have put you through. I want you to know that you were one of the most important memories in my past that I will never forget. I want you to know that it was not my intention to cause you such pain. So for one last time, I am sorry and I wish you all the best.

For the ones that I have lost, thank you for being a part of my life. The memories that you and I shared will never be forgotten. I will remember you in the best way I know how, and I would like you to know that your absence has taught me to push myself beyond my own capabilities. The pain you left me with became my strength, for I no longer become weak at the mention of your name or the sound of your voice. So thank you for being a part of this chapter. Thank you and farewell.

For the ones who chose to stay, thank you for being a part of my life and for staying with me into the next chapter. Thank you for being there to support me in any way you could. Thank you for being there when I needed it the most; I want you to know that my love for you will never die. Thank you for choosing to be with me, and thank you for choosing me. Thank you for being my light; I am mightier with you by my side. We will conquer this world, and we will continue to do so till the end.

This year brought a lot of things: pain, love, loss, happiness, and growth. I will remember all the things I have learned. I will remember all the people I have lost. I will cherish and hold the people that stayed. I will thank you for being a part of this chapter in my life.

Thank you till next time. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Annegela Pacla

Painter | Photographer | Writer

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