I’m Better Than You And I Know It

If you don't like this poem you have bad taste and probably couldn't finish high school because you were so dumb.


Avdeenko / Shutterstock.com
Avdeenko / Shutterstock.com

Hey, Anne Gus here. This week my class in college had a poetry contest. We all know I’m a great writer when it comes to short articles about, like my opinions and other hard-hitting journalistic stuff, but I haven’t, like, done poetry or whatever, that much before. But yeah well I wrote a poem that I’m really happy with and that I think is gonna win. It’s really good. I’m going to be the new ST Eliot, fo sho, lol. Check it out below, and like if you’re from a poetry company that wants to hire me, don’t message me, I’m a free poetical spirit and my poetry is not for sale at all. Fucking capitalist scum. If you don’t like this poem you have bad taste and probably couldn’t finish high school because you were so dumb.

“I’m better than you and I know it”

a Poem

by Anne Gus

I’m better than you cuz I’m 23
I’m better than you cuz you wanna be me
I’m better than you cuz all the guys wanna bang my cooch
I’m better than you cuz all you can get is a smooch
I’m better than you cuz I’m a feminist gal
I’m better than you cuz hawt guys just wanna be your pal
I’m better than you cuz Asians love my swag
I’m better than you cuz you’re a 27-year-OLD hag.
I’m better than you cuz I’m skinny
I’m better than you cuz I’m a size mini
I’m better than you cuz I’m rich
I’m better than you cuz you’re a bitch
I’m better than you cuz I love Pretty Little Liars and you don’t
I’m better than you cuz my nice guys will do anything for me – for you they won’t
I’m better than you cuz I travel to places that aren’t shitty
I’m better than you cuz I’m pretty
I’m better than you cuz I can eat chocolate and don’t get fat
I’m better than you cuz I know Yusuf Islam is the new Cat
I’m better than you cuz I have pretty shoes
I’m better than you cuz I know, Willis, Bruce
I’m better than you cuz my number is high
I’m better than you cuz I’m an all-American cutie-pie
I’m better than you cuz I’m from Boston
I’m better than you cuz you’re from Austin
I’m better than you cuz I’m tolerant of blacks
I’m better than you cuz I don’t get scared when they travel in packs
I’m better than you cuz I’m really modest and kind
I’m better than you cuz you have a one-track mind
I’m better than you cuz I’m kinda famous
I’m better than you cuz you’re not kinda famous.
I’m better than you cuz I’m good at spellen
I’m better than you cuz there’s no tellen
What I’m gonna do when I find you, hoe
Lemme back get on track first, doe
I’m better than you cuz I’m better than you
I’m better than you and you know it’s true.

Boom! This is Anne “Shakespeare” Gus, peace I’m outty! Thought Catalog Logo Mark