Date A Guy Who Tends Bar


Date a Guy Who Tends a Bar because he doesn’t judge. Date him because he is schooled in the nuances of life from his front row seat to heartbreaks, celebration and the end-of-the-day beers that turn in to five. Date this guy who sees how beautiful and brutal life can be, every single day.

Date a Guy Who Tends a Bar because he is in transition. Date him because he has some amazing ideas and is on to something great with the gumption to work late hours and salty shifts just because they are paving the way.

Date a Guy Who Tends a Bar because he is real. Those black AMEX Manhattans never taste as good as those two warm Heinekens he proudly pulls from his backpack at 4am as he recalls the old mate at the bar who just wouldn’t leave.

Date a Guy Who Tends a Bar because his funny hours make you both young. The Guy Who Tends a Bar has breakfast at midday, and dinner with one hand, if he is fortunate enough that shift. The Guy who Tends a Bar disregards time, and places, and expectations and for that, you’re young too.

Date a Guy Who Tends a Bar because he listens. A Guy Who Tends a Bar gives a lot, but also learns a lot in return. He talks and listens. And waits. And serves. And observes.
Date a Guy Who Tends a Bar because he is attentive. The Bar Guy always has a lighter on hand regardless and possesses an uncanny ability to hold multiple objects within one grasp. Even in his downtime he can’t help himself but wipe the table, pour a water and lend a kind word of advice.

Date a Guy Who Tends a Bar because he crawls in to your bed at night, hours after you’ve placed your head on the pillow. Bar Guy will whisper funny anecdotes about the night as you drift back to sleep. You wake in the morning to shower, look at him and think – lucky prick – slowly closing your bedroom door as to savor an extra second of his happy, half-closed face in a sea of pillows. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Anna James

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