Anjana Rajbhandary

Beauty & Lifestyle Writer

This Is Why Sensitive Souls Have The Hardest Time Falling In Love

But if you are a sensitive soul, always remember that there is someone looking for you the way you are looking for them. And one day you will find each other, and every struggle and every heartbreak along the way will make sense, as it was bringing you closer to your person.

8 Dead Giveaways That Prove It’s Not Love (It’s Just A Fear Of The Unknown)

You know it is not love when you do not enrich each other’s lives or make each other a better person. Does having this person in your life enhance your life? Do you have shared values and priorities, which is a vital part of a long-lasting relationship? Because when you love someone, you respect their values and you have similar priorities in life.

Don’t Confuse Sex With Love

We spend too much time reading self help books and articles about what men like; what qualities men look for in a wife – most of which is a waste of time. Are you really trying to fit a check list? Most of those articles don’t even make sense.

In 2017 Stop Being The Person Who Makes Excuses

If not now, then when? Now is the only time you have. Now is when you have the power to change your life and who you are. There is never a right time; it is what you make of it in the moment right now.