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Photo by Kate Kalvach on Unsplash

Ranking The Zodiac Signs By Who Is Most Likely To Say ‘I Love You’ First

Cancers tend to say those words quickly because they feel so intensely.


It is a big deal to say those three little words—“I love you”—because they hold a lot of weight. Some people say it within days and some wait for years.

We wonder, How long should we wait to say it? Who should say it first? Should we reciprocate? Or should we wait till we know for sure?

There is no right time but some of us are quicker to express it, and why not say it when we feel it, right? Also, if you want to wait till you are sure, that makes complete sense.

Here is a list of the signs who are most likely to say it, ranked from first to last.

1. Cancer

Cancers tend to say those words quickly because they feel so intensely. They express too much too soon and try to hide behind their shells and pretend nothing happened in case their partner doesn’t feel the same.

2. Leo

Leos are quick. A Leo is impatient and can utter the words to basically just get it over with. A Leo cannot understand when their partner does not return the love and don’t think twice before moving on to the next love.

3. Pisces

When a Pisces falls for someone, they want the whole world to know about it. Their dedication and unwavering attention towards their partner are only experienced by few, so appreciate that. When a Pisces says those words, they mean they are in this forever, and they do not wait too long to express love.

4. Taurus

When a Taurus loves, they really love and they love fast. It may take them a while to fall in love, but when a Taurus falls for someone, they fall dramatically head over heels quick. They don’t like to wait to say “I love you.”

5. Libra

Libra likes to take a little time. A Libra only enters a serious relationship when it can provide complete emotional support. If someone promises a Libra a long-lasting relationship where they can provide security, a Libra will say those three words.

6. Gemini

It can be a challenge to get a Gemini to commit because they love new experiences and they like to take time to keep their partner on their toes. Once a Gemini digs in deeper and realizes that the grass is not always greener on the other side, they can utter those words, so it can take a bit of time.

7. Virgo

Virgos like to overthink everything and want to make sure everything is perfect before they can fully commit. Virgos need to realize that their perfectionist tendencies are not realistic. Once a Virgo can accept that one person cannot be their everything, they will say the “L” word, and that might take a few months.

8. Sagittarius

Sagittarius does not want to lose oneself in a new relationship, so they lead with their heads and want to make sure their emotions are strong and true before they can say it. It does not mean they are commitment-phobes, they want to make sure they are on the same page, and that makes it take a little time for them to say “I love you.”

9. Scorpio

Scorpios hate change and they think long and hard before they want to commit to someone, because they only say “I love you” when they are ready to be with the person through all the good and the bad. It takes someone a lot of work to see the Scorpio’s vulnerable side because they love for life. Trust me, it is worth the wait with a Scorpio.

10. Capricorn

For the goal-oriented and practical Capricorn, romance should be simple. If a Capricorn does not see a future with someone, they do not have trouble ending it. When a relationship seems practical and drama-free, they are ready to say it, and that can take a while. Patience, patience, patience…

11. Aries

If you are with an Aries, you will know when they love you, and if you are confused about their feelings, they do not. An Aries is straightforward and open. They say it quickly when they feel pressure (and do not mean it) but might take them years to realize love. Aries can take their sweet (long) time to say “I love you” and actually mean it.

12. Aquarius

Being extremely free-spirited, Aquarius needs a lot of independence, so it can be hard for them to make time for intimate relationships where they must share themselves. When an Aquarius meets someone that they are willing to sacrifice their personal freedom for, they will say “I love you,” but it takes a long time. If you are with an Aquarius, be okay with waiting.