I’m Not Good At Dating, But This Is Why I Should Be Yours
I am not the kind of girl who wants attention from many. I am someone who just wants one to love me right. I am not the kind of girl who wants to go on many dates. I am someone who wants to just be with you. I am not good at dating, but this is why I should be yours.
I am not the kind of girl who wants a prince to rescue her. Honestly, I never wanted a prince. I am someone who wants a friend for life, someone who will always be there for me the same way I will be there for you. I was never good at dating, and this is why I should be yours.
I am not the kind of girl who wants flowers and chocolates. I am someone who wants someone who will never give up on me through thick and thin because I will never give up on you even when things get the worst. Romance for me is not expensive trips and presents, having each other’s back at all times is what is most romantic to me. I never did well with dating, so this is why I should be yours.
I am not the kind of girl who wants someone to write her poetry and songs. I am someone who wants to be accepted for all of me; the good and the bad because when I promised to love you- I made a promise to myself that I would love you for all of everything you are. I don’t care much for dating, but I always wanted to be yours.
I am not the kind of girl who is looking for someone to complete me. I am someone who wants my partner to make me want to be a better person. I am not the kind of girl who needs guidance, but you are someone who can show me the right way. I do not even like dating, and this is why I should be yours.
I am not the kind of girl who likes to play games and follow the dating rules. I am someone who will always follow my heart and my heart led me to you. I am not the kind of girl who is impressed by how much money you can spend on me, I am someone who you won over with your kindness and patience. I am not a fan of dating, and I know I should be yours.
I am not the kind of girl who is awed by candlelight dinners. I am someone who will be happy with pasta con pomodoro made from the scraps left in your fridge. I am not the kind of girl who wants someone to do grand gestures of love. I am someone who is content to just have you in my life and I don’t ever want to meet anyone else. I don’t like the idea of dating, but I always knew I would be yours.
I am not the kind of girl who will give up on you when things get hard. I am someone who knows that it is the hardest times that test the strength of a relationship. I am someone who may not always like you when we fight, but I will never forget how much I love you. No matter how hard things get and whatever obstacle we have to overcome- I will never give up on you and I will never give up on us. At first, I never wanted to date you, but now I am completely yours.
I am not the kind of girl who loves for convenience. I am someone who loves for life and for me ‘you’ are it. I am never going to date again because I am already yours for good.
You are my heart and you are my world.