Anjana Rajbhandary

Beauty & Lifestyle Writer
Articles by
Anjana Rajbhandary
Capricorn Daily Horoscope For September 27, 2021
Today is a day filled with experiences that may leave you a little exhausted at the end of the day, but none of it will be for waste.
Virgo Daily Horoscope For September 27, 2021
Virgos, you are always admired for your strong work ethic, and today you will be praised at work for taking care of a complex project and become more popular among your coworkers.
Taurus Daily Horoscope For September 27, 2021
You are doing great on the financial front, and your bank account shows it.
10 Signs You’re Finally In The Relationship You Deserve
You don’t have to have the same hobbies and interests, but when you are in a relationship you deserve, things that matter to you will matter to your partner.
10 Habits You Need To Break In Order To Be A Better Partner
A relationship is not a competition, and you don’t always have to win.
An Open Letter To The People I’ve Harmed
You might never forgive me, but I want to say I am sorry for the way I treated you and for the things I said.
11 Non-Physical Attributes That Make You Truly Attractive
Being your true self and showing your genuine personality requires a level of strength that very few have.
Hate To Break It To You But There Is No ‘Winning’ The Breakup
It is hard to reimagine a journey that you had already imagined with someone. We cannot replace people as easily as we would like. Every end damages a part of us that can never fully heal.
I Finally Understand That This Was Never Meant To Be
We truly loved each other, but we never learned how to treat each other right because we got so used to just being the way we were.
These Are The 5 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be The Hardest To Get Over
Falling in love is hard, but it is even harder to fall OUT of love, especially with these zodiac signs.
Ranking The Zodiac Signs By Who Is The Most Protective Of Their Heart
Taurus, once you fall in love, you stay in love forever.
It’s Okay To Admit When You Feel Broken
Today, I can feel my heart breaking because I am realizing I will never see you again.
I Fell In Love With Your Imperfections
To me, you are it. To me, you are my everything.
Date Someone Who Makes You Want To Try
The truth is that the most important quality to make a relationship last is the effort that you put in.
I Can Be Over You Without Being Over Us
I do not miss you; I miss us.
Ranking The Zodiac Signs By Who Is Most Likely To Say ‘I Love You’ First
Cancers tend to say those words quickly because they feel so intensely.
How To Love Someone Forever
The truth is, there is no right person or right time.
This Is Me Reminding You That You’re Going To Be Okay
During these times, it is more important than ever to be kind to each other. It is crucial to be there for one another. If there is ever a time of need, it is now.