If It’s Love, Then It’s Worth Long Distance
Oftentimes, people choose to leave behind some of the best relationships that they had because they are told that long distance relationships never work.
Anika Munir
He leaves. You say your last goodbye at the airport, train station, or bus stop. You know you will never meet someone like him ever again. With an accent and style like no other and intelligence and personality worth more than anything, you know that he is the best thing that has ever happened to you. However, the only problem is he lives way too far.
Are you just going to end it? Forget the wonderful time you two spent together?
Oftentimes, people choose to leave behind some of the best relationships that they had because they are told that long distance relationships never work.
Yes, the survival rate for long distance relationships is smaller. However, every great relationship is worth fighting for, right?
If you love something truly, you will do everything in your power to make it work and to have them in your life. Yes, what I am saying sounds like every other romance article. But it is reality.
When we love something, we will do everything for it. We will work for it. We will put ourselves through terrible situations just to have it.
So is it not worth fighting for someone you love? Is it not worth trying to make it work with them and keeping what you have with them alive? Why else would you love somebody so deeply, only temporarily?
It comes to the point where you have to decide what it was that you had with them. Was it just lust or love?
Lust is only physical attraction.
Meanwhile, love is the thing that pushed you to spend your nights talking to them about your future goals and aspirations. The thing that made you get coffee for them while they worked hard. The thing that made you want to spend more time learning about their likes and dislikes. The thing that made you cry the moment they left.
Love a little deeper. If they do not think it will work, then show them that what you two have is worth more than just a temporary relationship. Show them what it can be and not what it can’t be.
You can do it. If they do not want to make it work, then you know that it was not love for them. They did not see the beauty in the relationship that the two of you had.
But if they do remember the little things you did together and for each other, then you can make it work and keep that spark alive.
Write each other postcards. FaceTime every day. Make them feel like they are with you every step of the way, and plan your future together, because if you cannot be close today, then you have the future to make it happen!
Try for love! Try for him! Try for that long distance relationship!