Angela Lim

Big hair, big heart, big dreams.

Articles by
Angela Lim

I’m So Glad I Waited For You

I am also glad I spent my time building a better life for myself. Because now I’m so happy around you, but I can also be happy without you.

I Am The One You Meet Before ‘The One’

I am the right girl at the wrong time. I am the one who teaches you to listen to the sound of your heartbeat, who proves that there are strangers out there who will fall in love with your smile, who opens your eyes to new possibilities.

To The One Who Brought Out The Worst In Me

After all the drama we’ve been through, all the damage we’ve inflicted on each other, all the destruction we’ve left in each other’s path, I know you’re not expecting me to thank you. Yet here I am, grateful.

This Is Real Love

Real love comes after the falling. We’ll know if it’s meant to last by how much of a team we can remain when circumstances work against us.

How To Get Over Post-Breakup Regret

The truth is, if you came to a point where you’ve aired your grievances about the relationship and nothing has improved, you can’t hold on to false hope anymore.