Andrea Wurzburger

Articles by
Andrea Wurzburger

In Defense Of Being Modest

Can’t we just own up to how bad-ass we are? Can’t we say thank you and let people know that it was hard getting to where we are, hard to make it, but we did and we are the better for it?

Teach Your Daughters To Be Brave

I told her that she could be brave if she wanted. And all she said was, “No, I can’t. Girls aren’t as brave as boys because boys go out in the wild and girls stay home.”

What’s So Wrong With Being Miranda Hobbes?

When someone dubs you the Miranda, you will all sit in silence and avoid actually saying it. You will dole out the other roles, the Carries and the Charlottes and the Samantha Joneses and leave Miranda as the cookie crumbs nobody wants.

Why We Should Keep Our Dreams Alive

Being “rational” and “realistic” is making us lazy. Worse than that: it is making us complacent, and I think it is time people started doing something about it.

If You Were Pretty, You Could

But no one tells you that, no matter how much you tell yourself that you are beautiful, someone will always come around and try to shake you.