Amy Moreno

Articles by
Amy Moreno

I Am Not My Trauma

My mind has finally begun to separate itself from the trauma that I experienced as a child. My mind is finally strong enough to understand that I am not my trauma.

An Overdue Goodbye Letter To My Ex-Husband

Goodbye to brewery hopping. Your grandmother. That first moment I finally noticed you when you gently touched the bottom of my foot. Summer at the shore. Ice cream, beach, family weirdness.

I Don’t Do Lukewarm Love

Love is to be held in the palm of your hand and marveled at. Love is to be shared and given freely. Love is to be cherished; to be in awe of.

Grief Is Eating Me Alive

Grieving feels like being tangled up, suffocating, choking on your own emotions. It feels like a wave, a tsunami of unknown and uncertain. It feels like falling through space with nothing familiar to land on.