Amy Chilcott
Articles by
Amy Chilcott
11 Things Everyone Can Do To Live A Happier Life
1. Ditch the toxic people in your life ASAP Ditch friends who make everything about themselves, don’t really listen to what you say, constantly judge you or try to make you feel inferior.
5 Struggles Of Being An ‘Intellectually Gifted’ Child
1. They are bored most of the time.
The 5 Best Things About Being An Introvert
1. We are perfectly happy being alone in a big city.
6 Signs You Live In Melbourne, Australia
1. You wear the “Melbourne uniform” every day.
5 Fears All College Seniors Will Understand
You just spent tens of thousands of dollars on a degree with the expectation that it’ll help you secure a job. With state of the job market and the increasing amount of college graduates, how do people find jobs these days?
5 Reasons Why Living In Australia Sucks
Everything costs more in Australia, AND our dollar is worth less than the American dollar.
7 Reasons Why Going To College In America Made Me Fat
Are the plates bigger in America, or do they just fit more on the plate?