13 Spontaneous Travel Tips To Save You Angst And Boost Your Adventure

Get lost. As hell! It's not an adventure until you're lost. Don’t overthink directions and maps and just go.



I’ve looked for websites, magazines, and blogs who would publish something I’ve written about traveling. So far all they seem to want is information about the fashion or hot spots to eat.

That is not what traveling is about!

I may not be able to tell you the best places to eat and shop because as a 20-something-year-old I travel on a budget, but I can give you some common sense type advice and tips that I’ve learned to appreciate.

1. Get lost. As hell! It’s not an adventure until you’re lost. Don’t overthink directions and maps and just go.

2. Wing it! If you miss a flight, a bus or a train take a breath and re group.

3. Always carry your hotel or hostel address with you.

4. Where words fail, it’s amazing how much understandable communication can be achieved with hand gestures. It’s a language barrier, not a hearing problem.

5. Not every big city is dangerous. Do your research prior to visiting and avoid paranoia.

6. Don’t bother with international data.
You can contact whomever once you’ve acquired Wi-Fi.

7. Actually, just turn your phone off. If you want to use it for photos and music keep it on airplane mode to keep the battery up and contact down.

8. WATER! If the tap is drinkable, get a reusable bottle and fill it every chance you get!

9. Backpacks!

10. Stay in a hostel. Bunk with strangers. It can be entertaining and you can meet friends or people to split tour costs with.

11. Talk to people. Everyone has a story. Find it. Some may inspire you further.

12. Eat the “weird” shit:
animal parts, insects

13. Open your senses. Listen, look and smell. We can witness so much more if we look past the norms we’re used to.

I could give you more tips, but you should get out there and find your own. Thought Catalog Logo Mark