Amber Alexandra

aspiring writer and dog walker

Articles by
Amber Alexandra

Here’s To The Ones Who Helped Heal Us In 2020

Even though this year has been a ride filled with major downs, setbacks, and uneven terrain, looking back at 2020 as we fast approach the end of the year, I can’t help but feel thankful for the people I’ve met so far.

Here’s To Choosing You

Rather than sit around and wait for things to get better or rough waters to smooth out, make the conscious effort to sail towards your happiness and what serves your highest good.

You Have No Power Over Me Anymore

I no longer compare myself with her or wonder what I need to improve or remove from my plate, for it was not me or her that was ever unsatisfied or wanting more—it was you, always you. 

If You Can Be Anything, Be Grateful

Often it becomes too easy to be pessimistic about the world around us, for it can be a harsh and unfair place. But if we choose to look past those rejection letters or disappointing moments and find the positive side of the situation, we show real strength.