I’m Not A Democrat Or Republican, I’m A Human Being Who Believes In Equality, Acceptance, And Choice

I’m tired. I’m tired of hate I’m regularly consuming because hate is so strong right now. I miss the days of ignorance when I was blissfully blind to the sexist, racist, and homophobic population that depletes me any time I engage with the news coverage online.

I’m not a Democrat, I’m not Republican, and I’m not even an Independent. I’m a human being that believes in equality, acceptance, and choice.

With technology, we’ve given anyone the power to scream as loud as they want behind a closed curtain. We have no limitations, and at times it feels like the world is burning down, and it is, in more ways than one.

The President of the United States was acquitted on two articles of impeachment, so that means he broke the law and he got away with it.

I’m tired, and I’m sad.

The President of the United States is a sexual predator, and that makes me incredibly sad.

The President of the United States is the human embodiment of toxic masculinity, and it makes me anxious.

I’m sad, and I’m anxious.

The President of the United States is a reality television star. The President of the United States was born in wealth and, therefore, will never be able to relate to or comprehend even the idea of poverty. The President of the United States believes that discussions that happen in a locker room don’t count. The President of the United States doesn’t believe sexual assault victims. The President of the United States believes that he is above the law. The President of the United States believes that everything has a price because he can pay any price. The President of the United States believes that anything he says is true as long as he yells it loud enough. The President of the United States believes that people with disabilities deserve to be made fun of. The President of the United States believes that women should not have control over what happens to their bodies. The President of the United States believes in stealing and lying. The President of the United States believes that bullying in a variety of ways is the only way to get back at someone. The President of the United States doesn’t believe in science. The President of the United States believes the only way to rebuttal an insult is with a bigger insult—or just recycling the one that was aimed at him. The President of the United States believes in dishonoring people that have passed away. The President of the United States partners with a spiritual advisor that uses God and religion to rationalize any and all of his bad behavior. The President of the United States has an enormous army, and it consists primarily of terrifyingly hateful individuals, and I can’t help but feel hopeless.

I’m anxious, and I’m hopeless.

The President of the United States believes that with enough power, you can do anything you want, and that is because that’s been his entire life experience.

The President of the United States is above the law, as he’s always been, but the difference now is that it impacts us all.

Racism, sexism, and homophobia work for a straight, white man that has been swimming in privilege since his conception.

And right now, it seems like there isn’t much we can do about it—but we can.

We must channel those negative feelings and turn them into action.

We must get out and vote during this next election if we have any chance of moving forward rather than continue to move backward as we have since 2016.

We need to exterminate the electoral college, and we need someone elected that can make that happen so that the next time a woman beats a man in a presidential election by nearly three million votes, that those three million votes actually count.

We must choose love if we have any chance of abolishing the retraction, we’re living in.

We need to love people instead of hating them—and that includes the hateful army that fuels Donald Trump.

If you’re feeling sad, anxious, hopeless, or anything within that realm, just know that you’re not alone.

Do your best, and love your neighbor.

I’m tired, sad, and hopeless but I’m also energized, optimistic, and brave.

You can be both right now.

About the author

Alyssa Lynn Malmquist

Order my book “Put The Damn Phone Down” available now on Amazon.