Almie Rose

Let’s watch Lost tonight. You can be my black John Locke tonight. My book is available here.

Top 10 Signs You’re An Adult

You don’t give a monkey what people think about your tastes. You have no idea what the hot new bands are and you just don’t care.

Top 10 Best Outfits In Disney Films

That cape! That staff! That lipstick! Those horns! That dragon transformation! What kind of game are you playing, Millificent? You’re like the Lady Gaga of the Disney world.

10 Things You Need To Stop Putting On Instagram

Why. Why. Why. Why. Why. Also, why? I don’t understand. Everywhere I go on Instagram, feet. That shot, of you, clearly point the camera down, at your feet. You in oxfords. You in flats. You barefoot. You on pavement. You on grass. You on carpet. Why?