Almie Rose

Let’s watch Lost tonight. You can be my black John Locke tonight. My book is available here.

The 6 Creepiest Love Songs Of The 1960s

Ahhh, the 1960s. A time of change. And of incredible music. And with that music, we got some of the best, some of the worst, and some of the absolute creepiest love songs ever written.

How To Survive A Party Alone

Sometimes one of the bravest things you can do is go to a party alone. That, and playing dead around a bear. It’s a toss-up.

When Harry Met Sally In 2013

They would meet on Facebook because Sally would post (under her customized settings she created, viewable to “friends” and “friends of friends” but hidden from “work colleagues” and “environmental studies classmates” and “ex boyfriends and lovers” but still available to…

The 4 Best Excuses For Not Going Out

Sometimes, you just don’t want to go out, so I put together this list of excuses. Maybe some of them will happen to be true, which is great for you, you awful, shameful liar. 1.