Allana Pratt
Empowers women and men to tap into their inner sexuality and strength.
Articles by Allana Pratt
What To Do When You Feel Like You’re About To Be Ghosted
If you begin seeing legitimate red flags, it is a sign that they are attempting to create space away from you, but the reason may not be what you think.
Read This If You Feel Like Your Family Is Coming Between You And Your Love
1. You’re born with a family. You can’t choose your family.
How Do You Know When It’s Time To Break Up?
Did you do your work? Are you both engaged in the work?
What To Do When You Are With One Person But In Love With Another
How do you look at someone who cares so much about you and tell them that you don’t feel the same way, that your heart belongs somewhere else?
You Deserve To Find Beauty From Within
We are the vessel through which sacred energy, sexual energy, life force energy, radiance comes in us, as us, and through us. If we stop that flow, we’re sad, cranky, and exhausted.
Read This When They Just Won’t Get That You’re Not Interested
Let’s not reject. Let’s not be superior. We are all doing our best.
Does He Love Me Or Do I Just Remind Him Of Her?
This doesn’t mean the relationship is bad or wrong.
The Unedited Truth About Unsolicited Advice
How should people respond to unsolicited advice?
If You’re Having Trouble Communicating With Your Partner, Do This
Communication is a beautiful dance that takes time, effort, and commitment. Just like ballroom dancing, you must be in-sync with one another, follow each other’s guidance, and accept the flow.
Who Do You Think You Should Pick—The Bad Boy Or The Nice Guy?
What do we truly want in a man?
Here’s What You Need To Remember When You’re Trying To Get Out Of The Friend Zone
Stop letting yes or no define you. Stop giving away your power due to fear of the unknown. Do not let them be the source of your self-worth.
What To Do When His Sexual Desire Doesn’t Seem To Meet Your Own
To break free, men have to release all of the judgment from within and from others.
Just So You Know, Passion Won’t Save Your Relationship
Can we really say that the day is any better than the night? That the waves coming in are any better than the waves going out? That the inhale is any better than the exhale? That our partner in fear is inferior to our partner in joy?
Here’s How You Love Your Body No Matter What Society Says
So, what would it take to change this perspective? To love our bodies and see them for their glory rather than their faults?
Why Spying On Your Partner Is Absolutely Never The Answer To Cheating
What if you could decide all of this AND only choose to be someone with which that would work?