How Long Is A Blow Job Supposed To Last?

“Any longer and they are drunk or you don’t know what to do.”


Andy Wetherill
Andy Wetherill

The last guy I gave a blow job to made it an event.

I mean, it lasted almost an hour.

He asked me to stop several times because he was hitting his threshold. I didn’t really want to–because, you know, it’s a JOB and I wanted to be done at that point–but for whatever reason I went along with it.

The next day my jaw hurt. Bad.

I could barely eat, and I was kind of scared to ever give a blowjob again. I thought I would have to go to the hospital or the dentist or something.

One friend told me that this guy was scum–no one is supposed to make you give head for more than 10 minutes. They should come already, or they are assholes.

Another friend told me I could just be bad at blow jobs.


So, I wasn’t sure what else to do so I sent a mass text out to like, 20 of my closest friends asking how long the ideal blowjob was supposed to last. My gut told me 10 minutes, but, obviously as this situation shows, I don’t know anything.

My first response was from an extremely attractive female friend of mine. She’s had many long-term boyfriends. She said 3-5 minutes. “Any longer and they are drunk or you don’t know what to do.”

Another female friend says: 12 minutes. “I am REALLY GOOD though.”

Someone else (an attractive female) responded, “I don’t know, I never give them.”

A guy friend responded next. He said he was 38 so it was longer than younger guys. 15 minutes. (And then proceeded to grill me about my oral techniques and whether he’d ever experience them).

At this point I feel really ugly, and moronic. WTF is wrong with me? Apparently guys come way fast with hot girls that know how to do everything perfectly and I’m in some other dimension, sucking (not literally, that would be too easy).

I consulted Google to see if I was on crack. Most of what I found on forums said 5-15 minutes.

A bro on a forum said, “The longest I’ve gotten was about 2 1/2hrs. I was drunk she wasn’t very good at it so it took awhile.”

Another guy countered: “I don’t ever orgasm through oral sex. It feels good but the stimulation isn’t enough to come.”


Have I been fed lies for the last 10 years of my life that this is the Best Thing In The World to guys? Maybe.

My male gay friend chimes in: “Great question. A dissertation could be written. Depends on so many factors. As a single sexual event? Leading up to sex? How many drinks has he had? How familiar are you with him? At what point can it become a hand job? At what point is he actually trying to come or just drawing it out because it feels good?”

Random douchebag I know responds: “As long as it takes.”

Straight male friend says: “Five minutes if they are good, fifteen minutes if they are amazing.”

Male friend says: “The best ones I’ve received have lasted an hour.”

Another male friend: “8 minutes.”

My most trusted female friend, as far as things of this nature go, answered my question: “IDK, like 20 minutes? Ugh. Do you want to go out Saturday?”

Ex says: “You come over and I’ll time you.”

Another gay male friend says: “Can take awhile—but I think after 20 mins it gets really old. However, one guy took forever because he was really selfish. I found it tiring but also hot. It depends on whether you enjoy ‘servicing’ that much.“

Female friend: “My boyfriend takes half an hour to an hour.”

Female friend: “20 seconds to 2 hours.”

Female friend: “10-15 is average but I can’t get my current boyfriend to come at all from oral sex.”

My ex responded: “Whatever you did was perfect.”

Another friend says: “A guy can get faster and faster the more comfortable he is with someone. A lot of times I’ve been with guys that can’t come or it’s very hard. As they got to know me more and became more comfortable they became faster at coming.”

My most gorgeous male friend says : “At least 20 minutes. Less and she’s selfish. Not into it.”

Still feel unsure whether my entire sex life has been a lie.

I feel very depressed now. I don’t want to be timed. I just want to have fun.

Is it bad oral sex if you don’t come in the first five minutes? Are you a huge asshole of a person if you don’t come in the first 20?

How similar is it to women who can’t particularly control their ability to orgasm—and that’s not really the point of sex (for me at least) anyways? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Rise to the occasion. Read this.

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