To My Best Friend, Never Forget That You’re One In A Million


I remember the moment we became friends in 8th grade.

I didn’t even know you that well, but because of mutual friends, we became closer than ever.

To be honest, I never expected you to be the one I would call my best friend, or my sister. I never expected that you would be the one I would call at 2 am when I’m crying over a boy, or the one I would go for advice whenever I’m feeling blue. It took a lot of years for our friendship to bloom and prosper, but it was all worth it.

To my best friend and sister, I just wanted to say how much I’m grateful that you barged in my life. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. I want you to know how proud I am of you, of all your accomplishments and achievements. I’ll be cheering you on every second of everyday. Don’t forget that.

Thank you for constantly being here with me, even though we’re miles apart.

Thank you for those late night talks and those 3 am study sessions via video chat. Thank you for the times you cheered me up when I was down. Thank you for making me feel like I was worth it. Thank you for pigging out with me on weekends. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for just being you.

I won’t ever forget that you love to eat pizza, and the fact that you can’t live without coffee. I’ll never forget all those moments you comforted me when I cried my eyes out. I’ll never forget those days when we would laugh until our stomach would hurt while we acted like fools. I won’t forget all those little moments we shared together.

I’m sorry if I’m a little selfish sometimes. I’m sorry if I get moody easily. I’m sorry if I say the wrong things.

I just want you to know that I’ll do whatever I can to make this friendship last. I’ll never forget our plans on going to Europe or Japan one day and traveling together. We still have a lot to explore and go through. I want you to be there on my wedding day, giving a speech about me and my future husband. I want you to be at my child’s christening and name you her godmother — heck, I still want you to be by my side as I blow the candle on my fiftieth birthday.

You’re one in a million, and I’m glad to have this beautiful friendship with you. I’m so proud of who you’ve become. Thank you for everything.

You’re my best friend, my sister, my adviser, my partner in crime, my mom, my guardian angel, and my travel buddy all in one.

All I can say is that I’m lucky to have you in my life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Alexandra Ladisla

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