21 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned From Traveling Alone

As a mid-twenty-something single woman, I have never learned so much or felt so empowered than when I am traveling the world alone. It’s not that I don’t like being around people, but sometimes it takes time by myself to explore a new part of this world in order to find my center again. Sometimes I need to be alone in order to find my heart and happiness when I feel lost or most defeated.

It’s because of solo-travel that I have become as content, confident, selfless, and inspired as I am. It’s because of solo-travel that I have learned to navigate the monumental ups and downs that consume my world when I least expect it. It’s because of solo-travel that I have learned my greatest life lessons.

1. I am more than worthy. I am more than enough.

2. I am an extraordinary person who brings out a light in others. I am an extraordinary person who brings out the biggest and brightest light in myself.

3. I am brave. I am fearless. I am influential.

4. I am small, but I am unstoppable.

5. I am fragile, but I am a warrior.

6. I am my own biggest fan.

7. I love and appreciate every ounce of what makes me who I am, as well as the battles and triumphs that have brought me to where I am.

8. I don’t need any one single person or thing in order to feel loved or appreciated. I already give myself what I know I deserve.

9. I love myself first, and because of this, my love and gratitude for this world and the people in it is overwhelming; it’s unapologetic.

10. I have more love in my heart to share with people, places, and passions — more love than any heartbreak could ever hinder.

11. It’s okay to enjoy being alone. In fact, I enjoy my own company. I make myself laugh and cry. I teach myself how to understand the world – the exciting, devastating, empowering, and everything in between.

12. I can and will move mountains from pain, because I believe in my strength to overcome.

13. I embrace fear. I accept challenges. I long for adventure. I live spontaneously.

14. I appreciate life because I’ve seen firsthand the extraordinary ways it can transform you for the better.

15. I would rather share my story, leave my footprints all around this beautiful world, and have no money than to have all of the money and things in the world.

16. I trust my heart; I trust my intuition.

17. I stand up for myself first. I fight for myself first. I love myself first.

18. I have a purpose. I make a difference. I matter.

19. I am human — I make mistakes. But I acknowledge, accept, forgive, and move forward.

20. I realize what’s important in life. I understand that sometimes things happen and people leave for a reason. I also realize that the things that happen and the people who stay are meant to be a part of my unforgettable, monumental journey.

21. I know that there is, and will always be, so much more to life than to just exist. There is more beauty, healing, and inspiration in this world than one could ever imagine. There is more love to be shared; more love to embrace.

Because of solo-travel, I have become as content, confident, selfless, and inspired as I am. Because of solo-travel, I have learned to navigate the monumental ups and downs that consume my world when I least expect it. Because of solo-travel, I have learned my greatest life lessons, and you can too. It all begins the second you realize — the second you truly believe — that you are worthy, you are deserving, and you are extraordinary. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Alexa Loebel

Passionate about self-love, resilience, having faith and love always