And The Funny Thing Is, It’s Okay

woman standing on brown bridge while looking down during daytime
Isaac Viglione / Unsplash

I’m finding myself at a loss for words, and the funny thing is, it’s okay.

I have very quickly learned over a relatively short amount of time that no matter how well put together our lives may seem on paper, there are just some things that are completely out of our control, no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves otherwise. No matter how hard we try to do our absolute best to make sure that we’re doing everything right, sometimes it’s just not in God’s plan for the stars to align the way we envision.

Take being a perfectionist in every aspect of life, as I am, for example. No matter how many times we try to do what we believe is the right thing or the best thing in every situation, sometimes the outcome is too far beyond what we could ever imagine. Sometimes, the most difficult pill to swallow the realization that the outcome is just too far beyond any measure of understanding or comfort. Sometimes, the outcome is too complex to provide an answer to our number one question: why?

That’s where it hits the hardest.

I don’t like being uncomfortable. I do sometimes, but only when I want and need to learn more about this world. Only when I want and need to challenge myself in this world.

I don’t like being uncomfortable because of the who, what, when, and why’s of my world left unanswered. I don’t like being uncomfortable because of the suffering that stems from unanticipated outcomes, the suffering left behind from the who, what, when, and why’s of my world left unanswered.

Even when it’s demanding, emotional, and mentally exhausting to attempt to draw some sort of conclusion in order to put the pieces back together, sometimes the best thing we can do is believe. Believe that there has got to be a greater purpose for why these unanticipated outcomes exist in our world.

I’ve learned enough from my mistakes, comebacks, trials, and errors to know that sometimes the unexpected outcomes that surround our world just might have a greater purpose behind their existences.

I said I’ve learned enough to know, I haven’t quite learned enough to accept this just yet.

I believe in good karma, although trying to keep things light and positive in the face of evil, I’ll call it good juju. I believe that doing the right thing leads to great rewards. I believe that being a good human being brings wealth and prosperity — in life, love, and good health.

All I can do, all we can do, is continue to hold our head high, to continue to do the right thing. To be a decent human. To learn to accept that our world doesn’t always align with our personal timelines. Sometimes, our world has its own timeline; sometimes our world has its own unanticipated outcome in mind.

While I still don’t have answers to my personal unexpected outcome, I’ve come to the realization that it will be okay. Because even if I don’t know it yet, there is a reason for the number one why of my world that exists.

I’m finding myself at a loss for words, and the funny thing is, it’s okay. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Alexa Loebel

Passionate about self-love, resilience, having faith and love always

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