Alex Snow

| Writer | Mental Health Advocate | Hopeless Romantic | Storyteller |

It’s Okay To Be Okay

That is the goal, right? To find happiness, to find purpose? Don’t shy away from it when you do.

This Is Why I Write

I write because people need to know they are not alone. I write to know I am not alone.

This Too Shall Pass

It is ok to just be for a while without a conclusion in sight. Rest in knowing that the beautiful thing about seasons is that they always change; they are never infinite, they come and go. What is today may not be tomorrow. You are on a journey.

How My Friends Taught Me How To Live A Better Life

They taught me that despite my flaws and hurts, my story is still valid and that gave me the strength to validate other people’ stories. Because they taught me that it is ok to be different, I can help other people accept their differences.