Alex Brueckner

Articles by
Alex Brueckner

How To Come Home

When you’ve been away, your timeline gets fuzzy. You can’t remember if the neighbors next to your grandparents cut down the tree in their front yard two years ago or ten years ago.

Airports Are My Happy Place

See, airports are my happy place. I’m in love with them. I’m the woman who shows up at least three hours before her flight — international or domestic, it doesn’t matter — just to spend a bit of extra time in the terminal.

The Beauty Of Untranslatable Words

Google “untranslatable words” and you’ll be greeted with dozens of lists of the “top” foreign words that just can’t be translated into English (or any other tongue, for that matter, if English isn’t your first language).

Joss Whedon: Geek Savior

My love affair with Whedon started in high school. My mum would watch Angel, and I’d usually watch from our kitchen table while doing my homework.

Doctor, Can I Be Your Next Companion?

So here’s my proposition. Let it be my turn next. I don’t mind waiting in the wings; I’m patient. Just remember my name when you’re casting about the cosmos looking for someone new to drag along on adventures.

I Can’t Like You, Either

I hope you keep up that strength you’re using to keep silent, because if you don’t, I’m not sure that I can keep myself in check. Please don’t tell me. Don’t make me answer.