Adrien Field

6 Reasons Why You Should Take A Break From Dating

Think about the end goal – do you want to be married and start a family? Are you just looking for someone to have fun with for a while? Figuring this out can help reorient what types of dates you pursue.

Can Gay Men And Straight Women Really Be Friends?

We’re supposed to be a rainbow geyser of pithy commentary and witty one-liners, equal parts court jester and therapist, always there to boost self-esteem, telling them how fabulous they are and admitting how terrible men are when they get hurt, forgetting that we, ourselves, are men.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Jump Into Bed With Someone

With endless platonic dating, we can delude ourselves into imaging a life and future with someone before we know whether there is sexual compatibility. They seem like a good person, they might make us laugh, but can they make us orgasm?

Should Women Be Sugar Mamas?

It often seems like even powerful women who want to be treated like men in the office want to come home to a man who makes them feel like a woman.

Am I Destined To Die Alone?

I can’t lower my standards any lower. If things don’t improve soon, I’m going back on Propecia to forestall hair loss and kill my libido so that I can be both youthful and asexual forever.