Addriey Jones
Articles by
Addriey Jones
It Won’t Be Easy, But Please Let Them Go
Trying to forget them is a little like trying to forget a language you’ve spent decades learning.
5 Ways I Will Love You
I contemplate that maybe the reason poets, authors, artists, directors are so obsessed with this idea of love is because no matter how hard they try, they can’t seem to translate to the people who haven’t felt the magnitude of it yet.
Don’t Be Afraid To Say, ‘I Love You’
When you fall in love with them, tell them. Do not be afraid. Darling, nothing good ever comes out of fear.
Read This If They Kissed You, And It Meant Nothing
Ask yourself if this is enough for you, whether this is what you deserve. Ask yourself whether it’s okay if they’re only yours till dawn spills in through the window.
This Heartwarming Video Of A Little Girl Singing For Her Brother To Come Home Will Make You Cry
We’ve all missed or are missing people in our lives. This little girl captures exactly how we all feel as she sings this song for her brother.
I Know What You Want, But Here’s What You Need
You say you want reliability because he’s never there when you want him. You say you want honesty because you’ve heard about the way he is and the way he tends to be. You say you want ambition because you see how he’s a flickering flame shrouded by thick, black soot.
There Are Some People You Have To Love From Afar
There are some people you have to love from afar because with them, there is no falling out of love, there’s just replacing. replacing replacing.
7 Crazy Things Girls Do When They Develop A Crush
We will start listening to songs that captures in lyrical form how we feel.
Don’t Be The Type Of Person Who’s Afraid Of Love
I know you, I know your type. You tip-toe around the people who show potential interest. You keep a fair distance from the people who brush their fingers against yours and the ones who look at you in the way everyone wants to be looked at.
8 True And Sometimes Unfortunate Things About Sex Every Female Virgin Should Know
You will most likely not get an orgasm the first time round you have sex.
Watch Em Ford’s Inspirational Response To The Vicious Comments About Her Acne
This emotional three-minute video illustrates how our self-worth can be so easily shaken by the careless words of strangers.
Read This When They Leave You
When they leave, it doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten you. They will still remember how you look when you’re reading a book and the face you make when you take that first sip of coffee in the morning. They will still remember the way you kissed them that one night and how you made them feel like everything was okay.
Writing About The Fear Of Passion
Growing up in two drastically different cultures have allowed me to see that this restrictive idea of what you can and can’t be is prevalent in all countries.
There’s A Lot More To Reading Than Just Reading
Do you know that there is more to a story than just reading it? I sit on your bed and I realize this, after long summer days filled with creamy pages.
Vegas Is A City Of Decaying Beauty; Just Like You
There is a lot I know about you, I know that you like your kisses rough and your coffee strong.