Forget Everything — Just Take The Damn Drink.

James Garcia
James Garcia

Just one drink.
Forget all your principles, your beliefs, your code
Forget about your health.
Forget your diet.
Forget your vow to eliminate alcohol from your life.
Just take the damn drink and be one of us.

Just one drink.
Because men are not really men unless they drink.
Because women want their men to be macho.
Because women who don’t are traditional.
Because men want their women to be more modern.
Just take the damn drink and be one of us.

Just one drink.
Because you’re supposed to enjoy it.
Because people label those who don’t as unadventurous.
Do you want to be seen as boring?
Didn’t think so.
Just take the damn drink and be one of us.

Just one drink.
Because your boss told you to.
Because your colleagues told you to.
Because you have to in order to prove you are a team player.
Because it is offensive if you don’t.
Because you value your job.
Just take the damn drink and be one of us.

Just one drink.
All the important people do it.
You want to be as successful as them, right?
You don’t want to be an outcast.
Your whole life will be fucked once they label you differently.
You need to be more sociable.
You need to respect other people’s expectations of you.
Take the damn drink and be one of us. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

NB: I am in no way against drinking. I have very special people in my life who enjoy drinking and I greatly respect them for their personal choices as well as I respect everyone else’s. The following literature aims to present how conformity for certain actions (in this case, drinking for the wrong reasons) can cause people to lose their individual principles and values for the sake of fitting in to a popular mindset.

About the author

Adam Benedict Tan

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