Abby Rosmarin
Author of In the Event the Flower Girl Explodes. Have blog-will travel
Success Is Not Unnatural
There are few things that annoy me quite like when people hear I’m training for a marathon and make comments like, “Well, people aren’t meant to run marathons.”
What NaNoWriMo Means
NaNoWriMo means I’ll be phoning it in at work for the next month.
It All Comes Together In The End (AKA How I Met Your Father)
Just before move-in, I got a friend request from a guy named Rob. He messaged me, noting that we were going to be living on the same floor in the same building. I was a little confused, as I didn’t think floors were co-ed, but I was down with it.
It’s (Biologically) Okay To Cry
To say I’m an emotional person is a bit of an understatement.
My Misadventures In Medieval Bicycling
My bike struggled at first. The chain was on its last legs from its years being chained outside my apartment in the city.
It Doesn’t Matter, So Long As You’re Going Forward
Once upon a time, I was a teacher with a 10-year plan that would make any grandparent proud. I was so convinced that this was the path I needed to be on that I started figuring out graduate schools before I had even finished student teaching.
10 Reasons Why I Run
And now I run because that’s the Boston thing to do. We’re a city with a history of not backing down. We’ll show you tough.
Parents Need To Be Reminded That Teachers Are People Too
Stop it with the snide remarks. Teaching is not babysitting.
New Blogging Platforms Are Like New Gym Accessories
There’s something new and fresh and giddiness-inducing about creating a new website profile or blog. It’s a new name, with a new layout, and potentially a brand new start.
Marathon Training Turned Me Into An Unhealthy Human Being
I’ve been trying to get back into the healthy-food-for-fuel attitude, but it’s difficult when quinoa takes 15 minutes to cook and the bag of potato chips is right there.
27 Awesome Things I Learned By 27
16. Eat like you give a damn.
Death At A Festival
A year ago, my best friend’s longtime friend was fooling around on one of Boston’s islands.