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Here’s What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From 2021’s Full Moon In Capricorn

Cancer – How you see yourself and how you connect with others will be important in this transit.


The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th will be a very interesting transit for many, since the Moon will be sextile Jupiter in Pisces. It will be a time where we can feel great optimism, but because it is Cancer season, this might be offset by some of the powerful emotions we can feel. Try to find your grounding force and focus while also adapting to the emotional aspects in our lives. This Saturn ruled moon will remind us that feeling accomplished, having a plan and putting in the work can get us to where we want.

Aries – Things could feel a little stressful now as you might have to assume more responsibilities either at home or school. Remember that all eyes will be on you now, so make sure to practice diplomacy and be more mindful if you do overreact and snap at someone.

Taurus – Uranus is already in your sign changing your mindset, and with this Full Moon, breaking free will be a prominent theme for you. The Moon here would like you to escape and travel, but this does not mean literally. You can consider learning something new or escaping through creating art, music, or writing.

Gemini – The Full Moon might take you back in time to a point where you will recall some powerful connections to people from your past or just hard breakups. Healing and moving on will feel easier during this transit.

Cancer – How you see yourself and how you connect with others will be important in this transit. If you are in a relationship, you are going to determine what needs to be communicated to your partner to improve. Friendships will also be analyzed, and you will see who is there for you and who is not.

Leo – This is a powerful reminder to take things easy as you and fellow fixed signs are going through the transformative Saturn/Uranus Square. This Full Moon wants you to prioritize yourself and put things into perspective. Small changes and self-care can make a great impact now.

Virgo – How you approach romance is going to change drastically after this transit. If you have not been successful and are single, you are going to find new ways to improve. If you are in a relationship, you will connect with your partner in new and meaningful ways.

Libra – If you have felt the pressures from people, work, and/or school, this transit will allow you to find a healing energy at home. This is where you find the time to recharge your batteries and renew.

Scorpio – There are lots of changes in the way you communicate and speak that were most likely initiated six months ago. The dynamic you have with others now is greatly impacted; think before you speak. This transit is about learning to listen and being more reserved with how you express yourself.

Sagittarius – It will be important for you to analyze who you are and how far you have come with this transit. You have gone through your own personal transformations and this Full Moon is a reminder of your sense of power. Do not attach your worth to material things.

Capricorn – The star of the show as the Full Moon is in your sign. This is your period of change and transformation that was initiated six months ago. The lessons you have learned then are going to be applied right now. This moment is a powerful new beginning even if you are closing major chapters.

Aquarius – During this Full Moon it will be best to take time to yourself, to recharge and meditate as this current Saturn and Uranus square might be taking its toll on you. Go slower if you need to because patience is needed.

Pisces – With this transit, you are going to put into perspective those who are there for you, as well as all that you have accomplished. This transit can make you set your sights higher as you find that you have evolved and are worthy of greatness.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.

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