
Here Is Your Comprehensive Horoscope For 2021’s New Moon In Capricorn

The New Moon in Capricorn will be on January 13th, 2021 and it will be felt for the next several months.


The New Moon in Capricorn will be on January 13th, 2021 and it will be felt for the next several months. This is one powerful transit since the New Moon will conjunct Pluto. It can translate into an emotional period for many of us, especially those with prominent cardinal placements in their chart. A New Moon in Capricorn can also be a period of initiation and focusing on getting the job done. Anything you have outstanding might become a top priority to complete as well. We will be passionate, confronting tough emotional cycles and we will be focused on finding resolutions. This transit will show us the greatness that we can achieve with patience and determination.

Aries – With this powerful moon in your house of honors, you will see that this month will give you the tools needed to shine brighter than before. Now that Venus is also in the same sign, you have the charm, grace, and fortitude to make a strong impression that can impact you for the next several months.

Taurus – This will be a reflective period for you and one where your ideologies might be challenged or altered. With the New Moon making a trine to your sign, you will be motivated for success and driven to make changes. It also helps that Mars is in your sign keeping your mind on track for the victory.

Gemini – It has been quite the ride for Geminis with Capricorn transits. You are on your way to making positive changes in your life that increase your confidence. It is also beneficial that Venus is already here, providing stable energy and some optimism this year.

Cancer – The dynamic you have with others will be changed with this New Moon transit. You have learned a lot from Saturn in Capricorn, and you are on your way to claiming everything you want. For the next several months expect to meet new people that can transform your life.

Leo – With this transit, you can expect a positive change in your routines from a practical standpoint that will make you more likely to stick to your plans. This New Moon demands your attention and patience, so do not stress yourself too much.

Virgo – Expect some surprises with your personal life during this transit. You can have an interesting romantic life in the next several months if you allow yourself to feel the magic that this New Moon has to offer. It also helps that Venus is in the same sign. Although it can feel melancholy at times, you will have a pleasant transit.

Libra – During this transit, you will prioritize career as well as home. There will also be a focus on finances and your own goals during this time. You are not afraid to look ahead, to make the adjustments necessary to move forward. This New Moon brings potent emotions, but you also have the courage to face what is ahead.

Scorpio – This transit is going to increase your charm. You are going to be like a mentor to others since you will experience a much clearer and better way of communicating. While this can be an emotional transit for many, you are going to be able to be more logical and grounded.

Sagittarius – With this New Moon, you need to find your dynamic force. This is the time where you need to begin seeing yourself in a better light. One of the tips from Saturn in Capricorn was trying not to be too hard on yourself. This transit will make you feel formidable.

Capricorn – This New Moon transit in your sign is a period of renewal and finding your independence and inner strength. As a Capricorn, you do not shy away from challenges and although this transit will make you emotional, thanks to the conjunction with Pluto, you still have the power to navigate the obstacles ahead.

Aquarius – During this transit, you will prioritize yourself and your needs. This is a good transit to reflect and begin the planning phase for projects you might have had on your mind. There could also be a shift towards self-care, and you might be inspired to start a new routine that makes you more motivated.

Pisces – Here you will have the chance to stand out and shine during the next several months with this transit. You are at a place where you might be feeling confident about yourself as well as your path. The people you have around you will motivate you and inspire you to achieve more success.