This Is The Energy The New Moon In Leo Will Bring Each Zodiac Sign
This New Moon in Leo on July 31st is what we have all needed. Where will the energy shine within you? Have you abandoned what was pulling you down? Expect the awakening, the doors will open brightly for you as this energy shows you what it is like to truly live life to the fullest with the desire to survive. Leo is ruled by the Sun, so having this New Moon will open doors for you because in our darkest hour, the Sun can help us feel a little better. We underestimate the potency of the rays of light, illuminating our lives, our heart, and soul. Leo energy is essential because it gives us hope, just like Fire Signs tend to bring up the hopeless optimist inside of us. Shine bright, be strong and do not be afraid to don your crown.
Aries – The New Moon will allow for you to share with others, communicate more and take action with your goals. After a very dramatic Cancer Season, this New Moon will inspire you to have fun again and to put arguments to rest. Make sure to be receptive to the emotions of others that might need you. Listen more, be patient and work for your dreams.
Taurus – Your focus will be mostly on what goes on at home during this new Moon. You will have to be more diplomatic as people will look to you for decisions pertaining to projects. This is a calming time where you can retreat to your inner world and tap into your creative side. Hosting intimate get-togethers might bring excitement and joy to you when you’re feeling down.
Gemini – It may feel like a splendid time for you as you use this energy to calm your restless mind. Your creative juices will be off the charts, especially for those in the freelance business. Expect a must, an insight or a provocative dream to inspire you to get projects you started finished. With Venus also shifting into Leo, this can be a very relaxing period of time where you might be tempted to travel with loved ones.
Cancer – Your season was a needed lesson of harsh love, but you should have felt the maturity levels rising. Get focused, be ready and put your goals in order. Leo Season will have you wanting to look the part because you’ll be feeling like a million bucks. Sleeping beauty rises up this season to claim their spot in the world. Feel brave, be unapologetic and make sure to look amazing, but watch what you spend.
Leo – The New Moon in your sign gives you the emotional boost needed to climb out of whatever distress you may be feeling. This is your season, your time to shine brightly and to think of you. Do things that bring you pleasure and make you feel connected to others. After all, this is the type of energy that reminds you why you were born to rule and be the chosen one.
Virgo – It is the perfect time to take it easy, relax and to think back on what you have achieved this year. With the Sun and Moon in Leo, you are gearing up for your season in the next few weeks. This energy gives you the boost to go out there and connect with others as you will take on a little of the spotlight without feeling self-conscious. Nice gatherings with friends will open your heart and mind.
Libra – You might feel like it’s your season when the New Moon is in the sign of Leo. Expect your popularity to soar a bit, especially if you’re an avid social media user. People will be enamored with your persona and your charm will be off the charts. Utilize this period to focus on inner growth and self-acceptance, as we get ready for practical Virgo Season to get us ready to work harder than before.
Scorpio – All eyes are on you during this epic season. This is the best time to come through with the new you. People will respect you, you’ll be admired in the business field or on any public platform, so be ready to feel like a celebrity. Remember, those who say things about you are just hating. Do you, be strong and work as hard as you can because Saturn will be giving you gifts later this year.
Sagittarius – Leo Season will bring out the jet setter in you. Sagittarians will be making their social media feed amazing as they show off to the world where they have been and what they are doing. To those who want to focus on a more studious note, this season will allow for you to prepare before embarking on your trip through higher learning. You will most likely meet a female figure who will inspire you this season.
Capricorn – To those Capricorns that are in need of financial help, fear not. Leo Season makes it easy for you to get your things in order. Relax, breathe because you will find the solutions needed to these issues. Saturn in your sign has made things unbearable on all ends, but you have learned the lessons needed to thrive. Do not let minor setbacks stop you. You are in for a wonderful surprise as your dreams take flight.
Aquarius – Your sister sign will bring about a pleasant time of year for you as you sail through and feel the need to love and to be surrounded by wonderful people in your life. Appreciate those who are there with you and are dedicated to you. Leo Season reminds us to be independent, fill ourselves with love, hope and to dream big.
Pisces – Lessons learned through this period of time will enable your growth for the next couple of months. This year has been a maturity period for you, Pisces. Remember, that when the going gets tough, you have to keep going and that is what this season is all about. Feel empowered through your abilities and who you are.