This Is The Horoscope You Need To Read For March, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Virgo: The New Moon in Pisces will shine on your House of partnerships allowing you to analyze and see what works best for your relationships.
A.T. Nunez
Aries: You are gearing up for your birthday season which is less than a month away. As you get ready to give Uranus the last hurrah, you start to settle in after a period of change and unexpected thrills have come to an end. There is more of maturity now, as you think back on your experiences and get ready to move forward with new plans that grew from an inspiring Uranus transit. The turbulence is something you could manage but now that things are leveling, you could feel a bit restless. With Chiron entering Aries, you will find the strength need to heal from the old and move on with the new. March will be a fun time where you meet new and interesting people that can help you advance with your goals. You may be tempted to spend more or have to handle some debt, but overall, you will feel a pleasant period as the Sun and Mercury continue their last transits through your House of dreams. The New Moon in Pisces on the 6th will provide some guidance and relaxation that will allow for you to start anew. The themes for you are new beginnings, so cherish them. This month will be promising for you.
Taurus: Things are going to be exciting for you once Uranus officially re-enters your sign this month. You do not like to feel like things are out of your control, but this will be a time where you have to learn to deal with changes. With Mars still in your sign, you feel pioneering and ready to tackle any challenges, but be careful not to let your ego take control. Listen to good advice from trusted people and try to focus on getting those projects you have already started to finish. With Mercury in Retrograde, you will see a lot of unexpected people and will meet some fun ones that make your month enjoyable. Work is your focus, as you try and achieve goals you had already set for some time. The harder your work and effort, the more fruitful the outcome. Taurus can be one of the most patient signs in the Zodiac or not, so if you want to see results ASAP, you need to take it easy and wait. What is meant to come for you will come with ease, so do not try to push it. Venus in Aquarius gives you the chance to show off to others what you are capable of and they will love you for it. Do not shy away from compliments, take them in and once again…just have fun.
Gemini: Mercury is currently in your house of honors so you might have a tough time communicating with people either in school or work. This has been an interesting time for you and filled with intense moments since Pluto and Saturn are causing trouble for all of us. You might experience their mayhem on a psychological level or through financial and material fluctuations. March will ease that for you once Venus is in the sign of Aquarius, which will allow you to find those answers you have been seeking. The New Moon and the Sun will shine a bright light on you so you might experience popularity either at work or school. Geminis will contemplate their future and consider what can come next for them during these transits. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, you will attract a lot of people into your life and will want to take on a more serious tone in relationships, but this is only if you desire it to happen. Uranus in Taurus will shine a light on your House of dreams, bringing in a relaxing period, easing any anxieties that may have been building up with time. Make connections, discover new books, travel, or do whatever makes you happy during this transit. Your magnificence will be searched for by many.
Cancer: Cardinal signs have been getting the toughest lessons from Saturn and Pluto for quite some time, but this is not going to stop you from shining brightly. Relationships have been the theme for you this past year as you learn to balance and work harmoniously with your romantic partner. For those who are single, you have been feeling the lessons sent when it comes to relating to others and how to ensure that you are not doing too much for someone and getting nothing in return. You are learning self-worth. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, you will feel a wave of confidence when it comes to school or work. This is the time for you to take on a leadership role, to guide others and become a mentor for some. When Venus enters the sign of Aquarius, you’ll feel vibrant, exciting and might even attract some people that are on a different level from you emotionally. With Mercury Retrograde, you will want to reexamine your ideologies and reflect on choices made in the past. Uranus entering Taurus allows for you to meet new and interesting people that will guide you in the next several years. You are at the top of your game, don’t lose your edge.
Leo: The Lion will feel the effects of Venus in their sister sign. Your house of partnerships is also lit up this time of year as the New Moon in Pisces allows for new methods of finance, clearing of debt and mental peace from an issue that has been pestering you for quite some time. Your job will make you feel established and settled but when Uranus enters the sign of Taurus (officially) you might want to explore greener pastures as you contemplate shifting. Luckily, the erratic force of Uranus is in stable Taurus, so you’ll think things through with patience once the planet makes a harmonious aspect to your Ascendant. Saturn and Pluto are making things tough for everyone, and everyone needs to work harder and practice patience. Saturn wants you to do the work right and when you do, you’ll feel its gifts. This has been the theme for you, Leo, hard work and no rest but when the Sun and Moon in Pisces make contact with Pluto and Saturn, you’ll feel a wave of temporary relief. Jupiter in Sagittarius will have you glowing with excitement as you feel confident enough to engage new people and to shine in all social events (you’re good at that after all). Overall, this looks like a fun month for you. Practice patience and keep your cool.
Virgo: The New Moon in Pisces will shine on your House of partnerships allowing you to analyze and see what works best for your relationships. Romantically involved Virgos will get a boost this Pisces Season as you ride the romance wave, while those who are more friendship-oriented will also see pleasant and fun times spent with people they care about. Also, a good time to meet new people and form new bonds. Virgos will feel the pressure from trying to put on their best face to the world while dealing with emotional turmoil. But, this is also a good time to reflect and think on how you want to tackle challenges. With Uranus entering Taurus, you could see a shift in attitudes when it comes to travel and leisure. You might be compelled to become more of an explorer than an observer. For once, you will want to put yourself first and not care about responsibilities and duties. You have worked hard, but you should learn to take breaks (as well as Capricorns). March presents an exciting new chapter in your life as you will take on more responsibilities but not feel overwhelmed by them. You will thrive on the challenges as we all approach Aries Season.
Libra: Libras will want to take advantage of the wonderful things March has in store for them. Venus in Aquarius will trine your ascendant, making you more vibrant and alluring. With Uranus entering Taurus, this enhances the intense vibes you may radiate. As Mars continues its transit through Taurus, it will reach a point where you want to think more on travel or may be compelled to pick up a good book to get lost with. Work will come to the focus when the New Moon in Pisces enters and you will want to do your best to show to the world just how valuable you are. Mercury can bring frustrations at work or with close friends but this will affect those with mutable planets in the third decan. Pluto and Saturn will provide you some moments to retreat from the world, but you will come back stronger. Jupiter in Sagittarius is going to inspire you more in regards to planning and when it makes a square to the New Moon, you might have your “A-ha!” moment to set things in motion.
Scorpio: You are experiencing a nice boost in your finances thanks to Jupiter and when Venus enters Aquarius, you might consider redecorating the home and buying more things just because you feel the shift that comes with Spring. With Mars in Taurus, you might feel the need to change things up in your romantic life. If you are single, you may attract a lot of Aries energy your way, even if that is not your cup of tea. The New Moon in Pisces makes you feel the creativity and you will feel a need to connect with others in social settings or work. This is a period of hard work and good opportunities heading your way an that is the general theme for everyone since Pluto and Saturn are in Capricorn. When Uranus enters your House of partnerships, you can suddenly enter into an agreement with a business partner and see some more radical increases in your finances. This is the time to start focusing on the type of people you need in your life and what growth they have provided. March will spark a new outlook for you and appreciation. Those in your life who have helped you will remain, and you will be compelled to remove those who are no longer with you. The New Moon and the Sun will make you feel invigorated and ready to take on anything. You are on the path to be who you were destined to be as you have cleared out the Saturn transits in your angular House and now have to experience them in the cadent one. Mars in Taurus and Uranus in Taurus also bring some form of harmony to you, empowering you to feel pioneering. This is the time to dream big, Scorpio! You’ll see the fruits of your labor.
Sagittarius: You are still thriving from Jupiter entering your sign last year and those in the second and third decan of this sign, Sun, Moon, and Rising will be feeling the good vibes from Jupiter’s transit. You feel unstoppable and it is well deserved especially after that Saturn Transit in 2017. January might have felt suffocating for you, especially since you like to feel free and liberated from stuffy things. March brings you freedom and a chance to start changes in your life (for the good). Home will be illuminated with the New Moon in Pisces, as you ease tensions with those around you. Chiron will allow you to focus more on you and elevate your creativity. Uranus in Taurus will make you question how much you really want to be in your career or what changes you need in your life to bring about more order and structure. This is a time for great reflection and you might even be moved to take on some traveling initiatives just to break away from the mundane. Saturn and Pluto are heavy in your house of finances, but you are learning how to be more in control and responsible. Venus in Aquarius will give you an extra boost of energy and when it makes a sextile to Jupiter, you could even see some unexpected gifts coming your way relating to your creative projects. Take charge, have fun and keep going forward.
Capricorn: Capricorn Season brought a mellow and relaxing time for many Capricorn natives. You can handle this energy best while the rest of the world panicked in fear. You worked hard, took some time off and went back to working hard again. With Saturn, Pluto and the South Node all in your sign in February, you felt the Venus impact strongest and are probably craving for some more downtime (we know you need it). Luckily, March looks promising, as Venus moves into Aquarius, allowing for you to recoup that money you splurged on yourself last month. You will be more focused when it comes to generating money, you are going to want to check your purse, your bills and accounts to see how things are. Work is another thing on your mind as you could be experiencing some challenges with school or your job. March is the time for reflection and the New Moon in Pisces will give you a boost of energy and mental power to solve the problems in your life right now. With Chiron in Aries, you will start the karmic healing when it comes to those close around you. Uranus entering the sign of Taurus could mean some interesting times in your life, be it romantic or creative. Think happy thoughts and take a break when you need it, Capricorn! You’ll still be at the top of the game.
Aquarius: Venus enters your sign and we can all smile for once. The karmic palate that Capricorn and Aquarius season brought about will finally ease out of our lives when Venus enters your magnificent sign. You will shine brightly and will feel the need to put yourself out there more. People will gravitate towards you and even though you might be experiencing some tough moments, you know that things will eventually get better. The Sun and New Moon will grace your finances and will be a godsend to those who are in need of money. With tax season coming to a close in April, you might benefit from the good things the New Moon has to offer for the next six months. You have experienced ups and downs with your birthday season but now you feel like you are ready to start anew. Jupiter in Sagittarius allows for new people to come into your life and they can help you learn a bit about self-love or allow you to expand mentally by finding new ways of thinking. This will be your philosopher’s phase as you contemplate a lot of things and events. With Saturn still in Capricorn, you might feel like you want to stay away from others, but with Jupiter in Sagittarius, you just seem irresistible to everyone. March brings ease and happiness to you, but make sure to accept this good energy in your life and not to shun it away with negativity.
Pisces: Ahhh, it’s that time of year and you are loving it. It is Pisces Season and you have enjoyed the calm that has arrived after the Saturnian storm. The year entered in a very frantic tone, something you might be receptive to or not (depends on how much Aries and Capricorn you have natally). January and February seem like a long time ago for you, but once you are in March, you will feel vibrant and rejuvenated, especially for those Pisces born at the end of February and in the beginning of March. To those Pisceans in the third decan, Mercury might be making things tough for you because you will have to repeat some lessons. But, things will definitely take on a more mellow tone. Aquarius will be transiting your house of dreams, easing any paranoid thoughts you might be having, or you will be inclined to take a break from the world and chill. With Mars in Taurus, you will feel a burst of energy when it comes to your creative side. Writers will be inspired as well as artists (we know how artistic you are). Uranus leaving Aries will have you pondering new ways to increase your income, but with the New Moon falling in your sign, you might have insight on things you have been contemplating for some time. March is your time to shine, as you will see many gifts arrive, new experiences to live and peace and harmony.