This Is How The Super Full Moon In Virgo Will Effect You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Melanie Magdalena

This Is How The Super Full Moon In Virgo Will Effect You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The Full Moon will change our outlook and bring only good things if we let it.


The Full Moon in Virgo took place on February 19th, 2019. This Moon brought about much needed awareness into our lives that will impact us for the next few months to come. Here we set the foundation, as we do with all Earth sign-related planets. We activate our growth, self-care and work habits with this Full Moon. If we have been lazy, now is the time to get our shit together and to focus on growing and thriving this 2019.

Virgo promotes self-love, not in the way that Leo does, but in a practical sense. If we have been overworked, we need to take a step back. If we have fallen prey to disorganization, we need to restructure our lives. If we have been ignoring our emotional and physical needs, we need to focus on methods to get back to feeling better about ourselves. This is not about self-indulging bad habits but of growth, even if we fear or reject it.

The Full Moon will change our outlook and bring only good things if we let it. Take chances and believe in yourselves so you can thrive. Those with personal planets in Virgo will feel the energies the strongest, especially with Saturn, Pluto and Mars making a trine (or easy energy) to Virgo planets. The following show the effects of the Full Moon based on your sign. Feel free to check your Ascendant, Sun and Moon below.


You will feel driven to get back to being number one. Methods to taking care of yourself will come into the limelight for the next six months. Changing our dynamic with those who we are surrounded with will also come into play. Stay organized and learn from your mistakes, because it will only help you improve. Also, with Uranus in your first, you should try to think before you act, and the Full Moon will help you with those impulses (hopefully).


You feel overworked and tired, and now is the time for relaxation and creativity. Your thoughts will allow you to flourish with this transit, so if you are in the creative field, enjoy the gifts that the moon shall shower you with. This is the time to pay attention to dreams and to get ready for the changes that await for you in the next few months.


The Full Moon will bring to light your place in your career path and home. Here you will feel like you need to make some choices in terms of taking a break, and the Full Moon will guide you with that. Do not be afraid to be a homebody if you feel exhausted from working hard. Take it easy, enjoy the company of others, and recharge.


It will be a time for mental stimulation and lots of creativity with this transit. You will want to be more accessible to everyone, and many will seek your wisdom for problems. To those who have major projects pending, now is the time to finish them and get them out of the way. You will feel the changing dynamics at your job, so use this time to show them how intelligent and valuable you are. Expect praise during this transit, but be sure to not overwork yourself.


Money will come to you in unexpected ways as the Moon allows you to craft new methods in generating more income. You could also receive a lot of gifts during this transit. The Virgo Full Moon will also show you how to treat yourself since you are worth it (you already knew this). Finding new ways to channel your restless energy this transit will help you in the next couple of months.


With the Full Moon lighting you up, this is the time to focus on what you want and need. Take care of yourself, trust your dreams and fight for what you truly want. Old habits end and new ways to improve are on the horizon. This is the transit of self-care, self-love and appreciation. If you’ve been hard on yourself, stop it and congratulate yourself for making it this far and accomplishing so much.


With Pisces Season starting, you will be in a dreamlike state, and this transit is no different. Relax, heal emotionally and spiritually, and take it easy. Life brings you challenges, but you know that you are strong enough to tackle them. Trust yourself and get ready to focus on new things to come. The Moon shining in your 12th is lucky, which means new things are on their way, and you will share more love in an intimate setting.


Connecting with others is your strong suit, even if you may not be a fan of it. People relate to you in a one-on-one setting, so make sure to go out and connect. This transit makes you charming, understanding, and knowledgeable. Here you will connect with grounded people who will help push your career or dreams. Connect, listen, and expand, because it can help you be more successful at school or work, and with Jupiter already making a pleasant transit to your second, it could mean those people can help you make more money.


Virgo and Sagittarius have an interesting relationship. The Moon shines in your Midheaven, allowing for your career expansion and personal growth. Appreciate these opportunities. Virgo gives Sagittarius the grounding it desperately seeks. If you had been considering a career shift, this Full Moon will put a lot of things in perspective for you. Expect unexpected successes this transit, which you will feel until July.


The Full Moon makes a pleasant trine to your ascendant as well as Venus. This is the time to grow emotionally and spiritually and to establish stronger commitments. Your thoughts will be honored, so make sure to think big and set realistic goals, because you will be able to accomplish them. Do not let your negativity bring you down, always think about the good, and forget the dark side of things. With Jupiter close to your Ascendant, you should benefit from changing your outlook and philosophy this transit.


There could be a moment where you feel you need to tackle some past issues or deal with some financial setbacks. Do not fret, the Moon here will provide you with some opportunity to get back that money you may have lost earlier in the year. There could be a period of enlightenment with this transit as you solve some mysteries that you have been worrying over. After this, you will be feeling lighter and happier.


Pisces Season is officially here, so you get to feel this Full Moon with greater intensity since it opposes your Ascendant. Relationships become stronger and you feel more confident with partners and friends. You know your worth and you will also be able to meet new people during this transit. This is the time for you to feel love and hope, with Jupiter also giving you blessings this year with job prospects and education. Thought Catalog Logo Mark